Durin's Trappers

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The first thing I felt when I woke up was pain. Not the wee bit of pain you get from a headache, but the stabbing kind you get from being severely hurt. It had been a couple days since I had been shot down, and I was not doing the greatest. They hadn't killed me yet, but I was more concerned about their leader. From what I had heard, he wanted to see me.

"Little girl..." one of the trappers seemed to sing, as he walked up to my cell. "We're here, time for you to meet the boss." He snatched my arm and practically dragged me out of the cell. I tried my best to suppress a cry that threatened to escape me.

My back ached like Hel, I couldn't walk, and could barely feel my wings. Firewing hadn't left his tattoo, and I was hoping that these people didn't know a way to get him to come out. I didn't want him to get hurt too.

The trapper pulled open a large door to what I could only guess was their main hall. Inside was a large room, that much resembled our Great Hall back home. Across the hall, sat a young looking man upon a chair that resembled the chief's throne. I could only assume that this was the leader that I was being taken to see, although I couldn't imagine why these people seemed afraid of him, when they were all older than him and could probably take him out quite easily.

"Everyone out!" the man spoke, as he stood up. The trapper threw me at the man's feet and left with everyone else.

Once the hall was empty and the door had been shut, the man walked up to me. He was shorter than I had thought, shorter than me. His hair was shaggier than Hiccup's had been a couple years ago when I'd first met him, and near black. He stared at me with cold, grey eyes that sent a shiver down my spine. When he spoke, it was soft, I had to strain to hear what he was saying.

"You, your mother is Ikapo, isn't it?"

I stayed silent.

"I'll take that as you don't know." He looked off into nothing, "Boy, she really abandoned her kids, didn't she?

"Let's try another question. What's your name?"

Again, I stayed silent. He grabbed my left wrist and pressed his thumb down on the inside of it. I cried out, the sudden movement causing me extreme pain. The next thing I knew, Firewing was sitting on the floor next to me, although he was tiny. The man didn't let go of my wrist, instead growling, "I asked what your name was!"

"F-fl-flame Rider." I couldn't stay silent anymore.

"That's better." He let go of my wrist. "Hmmm... Flame Rider, would you happen to know another Halfling named Night Rider?"

I almost nodded, before remembering something Hiccup had said, "If you get caught by the trappers, don't give them any idea that we may know each other at all. Even if they ask you about me." I shook my head instead, which seemed to confuse the man.

"Do you know any other Halflings?"

I shook my head again.

The man stood up and turned around, he looked like he was thinking. Then, without warning, he spun around and slapped me across the face. It took everything I had to try not to cry, although I failed; it had hurt so much.

"Please don't hurt me..." I was crying now, not knowing if I could take anymore.

"You don't want me to hurt you? THEN TELL ME THE TRUTH!" the man screamed. I was confused; I had spoken Dragonese, and yet, this man had understood me. "Confused? Here's a little something about me: I'm one of the original Fyrests. I turned against the rest of my species and their children. That's how I know who your mother could be; I knew her, many years ago."

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