Lightning Returns

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Two Months Later

"What could possibly drive the Outcasts off their own island?"

We were on Outcast Island, after getting a Terror from them saying they had been attacked. I walked over to one of the cliff sides on the island. There was a scorch mark that looked a lot like a bolt of lightning. I'd seen them after practicing my own aim with my lightning.

"Hey, guys." I called to the rest of the gang. "Does-does this look familiar to any of you?"

"Hiccup- you don't think...?" Fishlegs started.

"I do. This is from a Skrill." Astrid's eyes met mine.

We took off and headed towards the island where the twins had "buried" the Skrill three years ago. They hadn't really, I'd bonded with the dragon. About a year ago, he'd disappeared and I've been keeping an eye out for him ever since.

"Yep, the skrill is gone." Snotlout pointed out as we landed.

"Honestly, it doesn't even look like it was here, or like, it broke out of here." Fishlegs pointed to the ice. "It's still smooth like it would have been after you trapped the Skrill."

I started to panic. I was the one that was supposed to lead the Skrill down there. The twins sealed the chasm after I was out. "Thank you, Fishlegs, for that nice observation." I don't think I've ever been more sarcastic.

"Why the sarcasm, Hiccup?" Ruffnut asked suspiciously.

"Unless you're hiding something?" Tuffnut added.

"Hiccup, what's going on?" Fishlegs asked.

I sighed, "Fine, but you guys can't tell anybody. And, I mean anybody." They all nodded, so I continued. "Toothless isn't my only dragon. Just like my dragon side isn't just Night Fury."

"Cool!" Fishlegs exclaimed. "What's the other kind of dragon?" He was getting really excited about this.



"J-just hear me out. The dragon's name is Lightning and, before you ask, he is the Skrill that we met three years ago that Dagur was after. About a year ago, he vanished."

"So you're telling us that you have a dragon friend, a Skrill no less, that has been living with us for three years, now he's on the loose and driving people from their homes!" Snotlout yelled.

"Uh, yeah apparently. Listen we need to find out where he's going."

"The Skrill usually follows lightning storms-" Fishlegs started.

"So he's most likely following that storm heading due south from Outcast island," Astrid said.

"Hey, isn't Berk...? Oh, no." Snotlout's jaw dropped in realization.


"Auxiliary Riders, circle formation." Gustav commanded.

"Gustav, I'm not so sure that we should be taking on this dragon. It's a Skrill; the Riders could barely handle one three years ago." I pointed out, breaking formation and flying up next to him.

"It's our job to protect Berk. If we don't try, we won't be doing our job."

"Okay, fine, whatever."

"If you're too scared to go up against this dragon, land and the rest of us'll take care of it."

"I'm not scared, I've been up against far worse than this. Let's just get this thing away from Berk."

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