Astrid Eavesdrops

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It was morning, and I'd woken up to see my sister's spot on the floor empty. So I went looking for her. I walked out of my hut, and started to head up towards the clubhouse, when I looked up and saw a brown haired girl sitting on the edge of a platform, next to an auburn haired boy. There she is. I thought. And, she's talking to Hiccup... that makes sense. They're both part dragon.

As I got closer, I could hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

"I'd been running... looked down at my hands..." That's Days. What is she talking about?

"You okay?" I heard a bit later. What happened? That's Days again.

I was now close enough that I could hear their entire conversation.

"Oh, yeah. Just-just wasn't expecting it." Okay, what wasn't he expecting? I peered around the corner of the clubhouse, only to see my sister's hands on fire.

What the? How? I had too many questions that needed to be answered, but they were still talking about it, so if I listened I might be able to hear it.

"Oh, yeah... I forgot that you can't do that, can you?"

"No, I can't. You probably can because your part Monstrous Nightmare. I'm Night Fury." Okay....yeah that makes a bit more sense now.

"Astrid?" I turned to see the chief and the other Riders coming towards me.

"Hey, A. What are you doing out here? You look like you're spying on someone." Tuffnut said.

"I'm not spying on someone..." I tried to say, as I heard Days speak again.


"Do you wanna know how I found out about mine?"

"Wait, that your sister? Talking to Hiccup?" Ruffnut asked, as though she couldn't believe it.

"Yes, now shut up. I want to hear what they say."

"Sure." I heard Days answer Hiccup's question.

"Well, you see, your story is actually pretty boring compared to mine."

"What do you mean?" Days spoke my thoughts, as well everyone else's by the looks on their faces. Well, all except Stoick. He must already know how Hiccup discovered his dragon side.

"I, uh, I nearly killed my dad."

"What?!" the Riders and I yelled.

Hiccup and Days both jumped at least two feet in the air, Days nearly falling off the platform. Hiccup grabbed her arm before she could actually fall though, and pulled her back onto the platform, using more strength than we all thought he could muster. I knew that my sister weighed almost as much as I did, and if he had done that with me, he would have likely fallen, or so I thought.

"Uhhh.. hey gang. How- how long have you been standing there?" Hiccup stammered.

"Not long." Fishlegs answered.

"Well not as long as Astrid," Ruffnut added. That earned her a punch to the arm.

"I haven't been here that long. I actually would have said something, but what you were talking about caught my attention, so..." Shit. I said more than I should have.

"What were we talking about when you got here?" Hiccup asked. Days was actually being extremely quiet at the moment.

"Well, it wasn't really what you were talking about, it was what Days did." Days looked up at me when I mentioned her name.

"Oh, you're talking about when I did this." She held up her hands, and then lit them on fire, extremely close to where Hiccup was standing next to her. This made him lean to the side, away from her fire, as the rest of us jumped, including me. I knew why she could do it, but that didn't mean that it didn't startle me any less.


I laughed internally as they all jumped back. I'm sure my amusement showed on my face, cause Hiccup looked at me, and then started actually laughing.

"You get a kick out of scaring people?" Hiccup laughed.

"Yes, I do. You got a problem with that?" I replied, actually laughing now.

The Riders and Stoick were looking at us questioningly. They can't understand us, and probably think we're laughing at them or something, I thought.

"Uh, you mind sharing what's so funny with the rest of us?" Snotlout asked, sounding offended. Sounds like I was right. He thinks we were laughing at him.

"Oh, I just find it quite funny that Daystrid gets a kick out of scaring people out of their wits." Hiccup replied calmly.

"She what?!" all of the riders, except Astrid, yelled.

"Hey, she's a Hofferson. I find it quite fun to scare people, just not usually my friends." Astrid finished slowly, giving me a strange look.

"Eh, it's just fun scaring people. And if I had actually been trying to do it, I would have done something else." I replied.

Everyone went quiet as they tried to figure out what I would have done. Seeing as they didn't know too much about Hiccup's dragon side, I'm thinking they weren't going to figure it out.

Snotlout broke the silence, saying, "Is anybody gonna tell me what Hiccup meant before when he said he almost killed the Chief?!"

Hiccup and I burst out laughing. They apparently hadn't heard what we were talking about.

"They were talking about how they discovered their dragon sides," Astrid told him. "I'm wondering what he meant though."

"How are you wondering what I meant? I meant exactly what I said." Hiccup said, then added, "Right, Dad?"

"He's not wrong," Stoick confirmed. We all looked at him. I believed Hiccup, but I don't think that the riders did.

"You all want to know what happened, don't you?" Hiccup asked. He seemed a little uncomfortable. When everyone nodded, he started his story.

"It was the day that I woke up after defeating the Red Death..."

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