What are Halflings?

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Present Day- Daystrid

"I spent that night in the woods with Toothless. The next morning I went back to the village, and tried my best to avoid Dad all day," Hiccup said, finishing his story. "So yeah, I nearly killed Dad. Not too happy about it."

"Wow," was all any of us could say.

"So how did Daystrid find out?" Tuffnut asked, sounding really interested.

"Uh, my story's not nearly as interesting as Hiccup's."

"So?" Ruffnut asked. "I still want to hear it."

"Okay, I literally woke up, after the fire, went to find Firewing in the woods, and accidentally set my hands on fire. That's pretty much it."

"Aw, that's boring!" Ruffnut whined.

"Her story may be a bit boring, but her powers are more interesting than mine." Hiccup tried defending me.

"What do you mean? Don't you have the same ones?" Astrid asked.

"Okay," Fishlegs spoke up, "is anybody gonna ignore that Hiccup and Daystrid are always with their dragons, yet neither dragon is anywhere to be seen?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen Toothless since the middle of the battle yesterday," Snotlout replied.

"Firewing didn't come to my hut with you yesterday, did he?" Astrid asked me.

"Well," I turned to Hiccup, unsure of how to explain that he had been with me.

"Firewing was with Toothless for most of the night." Well that's one way to say it. But now they're gonna have even more questions.

"Wasn't Toothless with us, son?" Stoick asked.

"Uhhhhhh..." Hiccup obviously didn't know what to say to that.

"Didn't think that through, did you?" I asked him.

"Uh, to be honest, no I didn't."

"I'm not helping you explain."

"Neither am I." I heard Toothless say from above us. I looked up and sure enough, there he laid on one of the supports for the roof of the clubhouse.

Hiccup looked quite unhappy with both of us, especially me. I could quite easily help him, actually both of us could.

"Son? Something wrong?"

"Uh, no. Just trying to figure out how to say this."

"One would think this would be quite easy," Firewing said as he appeared next to me.

"Okay, either I'm going crazy or that dragon just appeared out of thin air," was heard from Snotlout.

"You're not going crazy, Snotlout," Hiccup and I said at the same time. Then turning to Firewing, I said, "Well look who finally decided to wake up. And what do you mean this should be quite easy?"

"You could literally just tell them."

"Oh." Hiccup and I looked at each other. "Why didn't we think of that?"

"Think of what?" Toothless asked, hopping down from the roof.

"Are you deaf, bud? Firewing just said it." Hiccup gave the dragon a strange look.

"Oh... I might be."

I burst out laughing, this was too funny. And Toothless says he's the best dragon, that he's got the best hearing.

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