Chapter 19

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What was I supposed to do now? As time goes on I start to feel more and more in the wrong and like I'm the bad guy. I wonder if dads thinking the same thing, we tend to think alike after all. I wonder if they would lighten the punishment if I say that I didn't leave a note. It may work but dad's way too good at telling if I'm lying.

My bed made a creaky noise as I got out of it. My feet touched the piles of clothes that littered the floor. At least the bed was a little cleaner after I threw everything on the floor the other day. I felt moody and groggy. I didn't want to get up but I knew I would have to or else Ink would just come in on their own. As I left the room and did my best to open the door slowly so I wouldn't make any noise I could hear a distant knocking.

"OnE mOmenT!" Error yelled from downstairs. From the sound of his voice it sounded like he was expecting someone to stop by. He didn't seem as cheerful as when Ink comes by and he normally keeps to himself so who could he have over at this time in the morning.

I went down the stairs some and looked at the front door.

It was Fresh. Why would dad ever have Fresh over? I guess he wanted to talk to him since he was the one I left the house for. What were they going to talk about?

I went down some more and went to the kitchen. Fresh looked at me and sent a little wave and a smile. I didn't send one back to him. As I took my seat in the kitchen my dad noticed me.

"HaPpy tO sEe yOuR AwaKE." He said to me.

"Whys Fresh here?" I asked him, all I wanted was to get to the point of this and get it over with.

"Your dad asked me to come over so we could talk and stuff. You know, about what happened." Fresh walked to me and sat down. "I know your not a liar PJ, but-"

"So you agree I shouldn't be in trouble? Right?" I asked. I know I should have let him finish but I didn't have it in me to restrain myself.

"I… Look I know that it can be hard to understand but I don't think you should be free on this. What you did was a little uncool and you should have at least woken your dad up and told him you were with me when you left." He looked so honest and like he wasn't going to hide anything from me. What now? What was I going to say?

"Let's sit and talk now that we're all here." Someone said, coming from another room. Of course Ink stayed here just to watch this unfold. As he came out he sat and gestured to the living room.

If he wanted to try to get me in a mess I know that he could do it, for this I would have to get some help. At this point dad was going to agree with Ink as there both mad at me but maybe Fresh would be on my side.

Just maybe he could help. But I would need to get over myself and how mad I was first.

(Hay you 3 regular readers I just wanted to know if you all like these short chapters that regularly are 500 or so words or if you would like them to be a little longer. If I make them longer they will of course need more time but you may like them more. I want to make sure that I make these a little wordy so I dont end up with something like chapter 12 that was barely 200 words so don't worry about that happening again. I would love it if you would tell me your opinion, your guy's feedback is the world to me and makes me motivated to write more!)

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