I hate you

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Days had passed and it was Friday As for Kiara, she kept making peoples life miserable including me and my anonying partner was the one  anonying  me the most they had given as project work together and girls had started fighting with me over him ewwwww even Kiara. my Arts class  starts at five minutes so I went to grab some sandwich to eat. but as I was about to take a bite, Kiara snatched it away from me. is she really my sister? I wondered i didn't let this go I always knew were she kept
her locker key so after arts class, I sneaked and putted a spoilt milk in her locker yeah I knew that was gross but will  teach her a great lesson not to mess with me.after Kiaras class she walked with her friends to but her text book in her locker but as soon as she opened,
her locker, the disgusting milk poured on her and she felt embarrassed as for her friends, they walked  away from her.it was only this girl called Marie rushed her to the Washroom. I couldn't held my laughter anymore and rushed to my friends we all laughed.when we went home, all she did was say she will let the person who putted the milk In her locker pay. Even though I knew it was me I wasn't frightened by her empty threats. Enjoying story so far? I am sorry for the chapters that are short.

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