Um I Have A Girlfriend

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*Forgot to mention I deleted that wattpad account*

RECAP: Trey is failing and he needs to get his grades up to pass senior year. He gets a tutor name Crystal who's a know-it-all and kind of a bitch. They annoy the hell out of each other. One day Trey embarrasses her in the cafeteria making everyone laugh at her, Madison (Crystal's best friend) and Sarah (a girl they met, that's also Trey's ex) wants revenge, but Crystal is a little skeptic about the revenge plan. Trey is going out with a girl name Elizabeth, and he might just like her. Madison soon reveals that Trey took her virginity in 9th grade and never spoke to her again that's why she wants revenge so bad. So Crystal is pretty pissed and wants to go for the plan to break Trey's heart.

Chapter 12

Madison's POV

The car ride was silent, I can tell Crystal was pissed. This is the reason why she hates players. They trick so many girls to getting what they want. "So what's the plan Crystal," Sarah asked from the backseat. "I don't know yet but I'll figure it out," Crystal answered looking out the window. I tapped on the steering wheel. Everything was so awkward. I pulled up to Sarah's driveway. Before I can say bye, Sarah rushed out the car and ran towards her house. Crystal and I stared at Sarah quickly getting her keys to go inside her house. I guess it was too awkward for her to handle.


"So he seriously never spoke to you?" Crystal asked. I nodded my head giving her a weak smile. I stopped at the stop light and sighed. "The only communication he gave me was in 11th grade when he slapped my ass and said 'That's a nice piece of meat you got there' I don't think he even remembers having sex with me." Crystal shook her head annoyed. "He's such a dickhead." I chuckled a bit, the light turned green and I drove on.


I pulled up on Crystal's driveway, "So do you have a plan?" I asked. "Maybe, I just need to invite myself to Trey's house and give him some tutoring," she answered smiling. She got out the car and waved goodbye. I waved backed and drove off. I started tearing up, gosh I hate Trey so much, a piece of me still loves him and I want that feeling to be gone.

Trey's POV

"So when are we gonna have sex?" Elizabeth asked. I looked at her and smirked, she was sitting on my bed with her legs crossed. "What?" she said, "Why are you so eager to have sex with me?" I asked. She stood up and walked towards me. I was sitting on an armchair that was in my room. "Because you're Trey fucking Carter," she answered sitting on my lap. I smirked, "That's true." She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck, I placed my hands on her waist. "And you're all mine," she said leaning her head towards mine. I hesitated a bit when she said that. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing." I smirked and pressed my lips on hers. The kiss grew deeper and I squeezed her ass and she moaned. She broke the kiss and started kissing my neck, then she began sucking on them, I moaned a little, and my friend in my pants was getting a little too excited. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my torso and resumed making out with me. I laid her on my bed and got on top of her. She was breathing heavily and smiling. I took off my shirt and threw it on the floor. I pulled up her shirt and took it off her and threw it on the floor. I started kissing her stomach, she giggled. I smirked then started sucking her stomach, she moaned. That's when I heard an irritating sound. It was my doorbell. Elizabeth looked at me "Just ignore it," I said. I unbuttoned her pants then unzipped it.
The doorbell rung again, I ignored it and resumed
pulling Elizabeth's pants down. The doorbell started ringing rapidly. I groaned its like this person is trying to annoy me. I ran downstairs and opened the door forcefully.

"WHAT!" I yelled. It was Crystal she jumped a little "Whoa there tiger, I'm sorry," she apologized. I groaned annoyed, "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Um tutor session.... did I interrupt something?" she asked. "You're sweating like crazy and you look parched also you're shirtless," She stated. I looked down and realized my friend hasn't calmed down yet either. I looked up and Crystal looked away smiling a bit. Why is she smiling? I asked myself, I smirked "Do you like what you see?" she looked at me and smirked at me "Maybe I do." Elizabeth cleared her throat from behind me. I turned my head and smiled "Hey babe." "Don't hey babe me," Elizabeth said irritated and walked out the house. "How you getting home!" I yelled out. She turned back around and walked inside the house. "Can I come in?" Crystal asked softly. I nodded at her, as she walked in I stared at her curiously. I sat on the couch and Crystal sat next to me, Elizabeth scowled at her and went upstairs, "Get me a shirt Angel," I called out. Crystal scooted close and leaned in to my ear, "I like it when your shirt is off," she whispered softly. My body tingled a bit, she placed her hand on my thigh. I stood up quickly and cleared my throat, "You want something to drink?" "Sure." "OK what would you like?" I asked. Crystal stood up, we were face to face. "I would love a tall glass of yo-," I clasped Crystal's mouth before she can finish "Just stop talking." She sat down and crossed her leg. "Okay," she bit her lip. I noticed what she was wearing, black leggings and a red half shirt. Her stomach was flat and toned. I can see a little 4 pack coming. I took a deep breath, her hair was also down and she had a little make up on. I stared at her lips, wanting to bit them myself. "Here's your shirt," a voice said. "TREY." I looked up and saw Elizabeth with my shirt looking annoyed. She came down just in time because I don't know what I was going to do to Crystal. She seems different but I kind of like it.

She threw me the shirt, "You guys can start your session or whatever," she said sitting on an armchair. "But you're still here," Crystal added. "So does that matter?" Elizabeth asked curiously. "I guess not," Crystal sighed. "Let's begin."


"Wow you're actually catching on pretty quick," Crystal said astounded. "What's that suppose to me?" I asked. "Well your grades aren't so good, I kind of expected you to be a little slow on things," Crystal said smiling. I scoffed, "Welp I'll see you later babe," Elizabeth said getting up and walking towards me. "Already! come on stay for a little while," Crystal smiled. I think she was being sarcastic. "I've been listening to you teach him for 4 hours I think I rather leave," She said then placed a kiss on my lips. "Oh honey, I honestly wasn't begging for you to stay," Crystal laughed. I was holding back my laugh. "Well you just said I should stay a while," Elizabeth said gritting her teeth. "Sweetie, it's called being sarcastic," Crystal assured. Elizabeth scowled, then a car honked. Elizabeth grabbed her stuff and left.

"Finally, she's gone," Crystal breathed out. I looked at her confused before I could even say anything or think. Crystal straddle me and placed her arms around my neck. "What are you doing?" I asked curiously. "I don't know yet but I do know I want to explore your mouth," Crystal whispered softly. Or should I even call her Crystal, she's not acting like her usual boring bitchy self. She leaned in to my lips, I turned the other way. She chuckled and grabbed my chin and made me look at her. "Your lips look perfect," she smirked. My eyes widened, do I want her to kiss me, I actually wouldn't mind. " I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND," I yelled without thinking. "What?" Crystal smirked. "You have a girlfriend? unbelievable but your Trey Carter." She released my chin, "Who is it? don't tell me its Elizabeth." I cleared my throat, "Omg shut up, I thought she was just one of your hoes or just a booty call or something, turns out she's your fucking girlfriend," she said laughing. "Why is this funny?" I asked. "I don't know, but I guess I'll get off you," Crystal said. She looked at me not moving a muscle, "Well I can't get up with your hands gripping my waist ever so tightly," she mentioned. "Oh sorry didn't realize that," I said. My hands did not want to let go of her waist. She smirked and leaned in close to my lips. "Your mind is yelling no but your body screaming yes," she brushed her lips on mine.
Before I can even lean in to kiss her, Crystal quickly grabbed my hands and pulled them away from her waist, she got off me and began packing her stuff. "You're leaving?" I asked questioned. "Yep one of my closest friends is coming to visit me and Vicky, so see you at school," She walked towards the door. I wasn't sure what to do, should go over and hug her, or kiss her, or lead her to my bedroom. "Bye Mr.Player." I shook my thoughts away, Crystal walked out the house and closed the door.

Did she just say Mr.Player?



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