The Player's Tutor

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Trey's POV

"I think we should break up," I revealed to my girlfriend. "What, we just started dating two weeks ago," she whined.

"Yea I know, but we're not meant to be together," I said laughing inside my head. My friends were snickering in the background. "Well I know we can work things out," she said.

It is friday morning I was in the hallway trying to break up with my girlfriend Holly.

"You know how you get something and you had it for awhile and it gets boring or worn out," I explained.

She nodded her head "yea."

"Well that's how I feel about you," I revealed.

"SERIOUSLY," she cried. "Please I can change."

"We need to see other people," I said. "No you can't break up with me, I love you honey," she sobbed.

"LOOK WE'RE OVER, JUST F***ING ACCEPT THAT," I yelled annoyed. Everyone in hallway looked at us. She stared at me with tears rolling down her eyes.

She ran down the hallway sobbing. Everyone stopped staring and continued talking to one another. "Bro you f***ing made her cry," my friend Tyron laughed. "I know," I chuckled. "Trey, all these b****es are staring at you," my other friend Justin said.

"Obviously it's because they found out I'm f***in single," I said excited. "Damn already," Justin said. They both laughed, "But I'm glad I'm single for the party tonight," I yelled excited. The bell rung and we went to our classes.

"Ok class listen up," my teacher Mrs. Long said trying to get everyone's attention. I'm tapping my foot waiting for the last period of the day to be over so I can get outta here. "Now class I want you guys to study for the test that's coming up, your score will affect your grade," Mrs. Long assured. The bell rung every one got up and rushed out the door, maybe because of the party. I was just about to leave until,

"Mr.Carter, may you please come here," Mrs. Long said. I walked over to her desk.

"Trey I called you over here because of your grades, it's horrible," she stated. "how bad is it," I asked not caring. She cleared her throat, "Ok in English you have an F, in Chemistry you have an F, in World history you have an D, in Gym you have an A, and Pre-calculus it's an F, you shouldn't have an F in my class, Pre-Calculus is not hard," she explained.

"Of course it's not hard for you, you're a teacher," I said.

"Why didn't you ask me for help on Pre-Calculus," she asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "How about you're sexy ass just make my grades go two letter grades higher," I said looking into her eyes. "Trey I can't do that," she smiled. "But I did get you a tutor," she pointed to this cute ass girl. the girl had long black hair, green eyes and a nice ass. I smiled at her she smiled back, she walked out the door.

"why is my tutor leaving," I asked. "oh she is not your tutor, she is," Mrs. Long pointed to a weird girl who had big round glasses, hair pulled up to a dirty messy ponytail, and she was wearing clothes that looked like she bought it from a hobo. She clutched her books and walked towards us.

"Crystal introduce yourself," Mrs. Long said. "You just did," crystal said with an attitude. Mrs. Long gave her a cold look, "Hi my name is Crystal," she greeted. "Well ask him for his name," Mrs. Long said. "I already know his name, who doesn't know his name," she said annoyed. "Yep who doesn't my name, everyone in this whole school loves talking about me," I said cocky. "I don't give a fuck," Crystal said. "That is very disrespectful," Mrs. long said. "Why da fuck does she need to be my tutor," I asked aggravated.

"Because she is very smart and she knows what she's doing, she will be you're tutor until further notice, I'm hoping she can help you get you're grades up, you need to pass senior year to get into college," Mrs.Long said. I sighed deeply, "Crystal make sure you tutor him today," Mrs. Long said.

"Why today? there is a party at....." I trailed off, Mrs.Long stared at me, "fine," I said. "This is so not fair," Crystal complained. "life is not fair now deal with it and leave my class," Mrs.Long demanded. Me and Crystal left the classroom, she looked at me then said "I hate you." I stared at her and grinned "hate is a very strong word." She grunted angrily and walked away. This bitch is going to ruin my senior year.


I'm new at this....but i hope you guys liked chapter one...

Theres more to come!



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