Cold hearted

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Chapter 4

Crystal's POV

"He's such a jerk," I said frustrated. I was pacing back and forth in the living room at my house. "Is he cute," my cousin Vicky asked. I stopped pacing shocked at what she asked.

"Well is he," she asked again. She was sitting on the couch with her right leg over her left. I didn't know what to say, "Um I don't know," I said looking at the ground. "So he's not," she said. "Well no he is," I said quietly. Vicky lifted her eyebrows, "Do you think he's cute or not," she asked. I shrugged my shoulders, I never really stopped and looked at his appearance, I mean he is a player so he's gotta look cute maybe even sexy.

The doorbell rang, breaking my thoughts. Vicky got up and walked towards the door. she opened it revealing Trey, he smiled at her she smiled back. "So what's you're name?" he asked lifting his eyebrow and licking his lips. "My name is Vicky Crystal's OLDER cousin," Vicky said shaking his hand and welcoming him into the house. "Well I like older girls, they're more mature," he stated eyeing her up and down. I rolled my eyes, I could not believe he's hitting on my cousin. "Well I like men not boys," Vicky stated smiling. Trey looked taken back, "Uh I am a Man," he said. Vicky placed her hand on his shoulder and leaned down to his ear, "If you're a man then why do you need a tutor," she smiled walking upstairs, Trey kept his eyes on her. "And Crystal you're right he is cute," Vicky said. my eyes widen I can't believe she said that, Trey looked at me giving me that annoying ass smirk. "Have fun," Vicky said winking at me, she went inside her room closing it. I felt so awkward, I looked everywhere but Trey. "Uh should we get started," he asked. "Yea, come sit," I said still not looking at him. I led him towards the couch, I sat on the end and Trey sat on the other end. "well how am I suppose to look at the books if your on the other side of the couch," I asked frustrated. he looked at me and took out his math book. he opened it and started reading, he got out his notebook and pencil and took notes. "Do you know what you're doing," I asked. "Can you stop talking, I'm trying to learn here," he snapped. I frowned, "Well I am you're tutor, tutors are suppose to help the people their tutoring," I smiled well it was a forced smile. "Are you still talking," he asked glaring at me. I got up and went in the kitchen, I let out a frustrated sigh. Then I wondered, how did Trey find out where I live. "how did you know where I live," I asked. "I got my ways," he answered. I snorted, "You asked my friend Madison didn't you?" he was quiet for a moment, "Loser, how old is your cousin," Trey asked. I cringed when he called me loser but I let it go. "She's 25, why you ask" I answered then asked. I didn't hear anything, I went back into the living room, with a cup of water in my hand. Trey was nowhere to be found, did he leave? I questioned. I would've heard the door shut. then it hit me, Trey was probably trying to flirt with my sister. "Crystal come up here, we need to talk," Vicky yelled from her room. I sighed walking up the stairs slowly.

Trey's POV

"So are you sure crystal said she wouldn't tutor you," Vicky asked. she was standing by her bedroom door, and I was sitting on her bed. "Yep i'm positive," I said. I came up to Vicky's room because I didn't understand some of the math questions and I didn't want Crystal helping me also I wanted to see Vicky. but she told me I need to go back downstairs so I could get educated, I didn't want to so I lied saying Crystal doesn't want to tutor me. "What do you wa-," Crystal stopped when she saw me sitting on her cousin's bed, I smirked. "Why why why are you....," Crystal trailed off. "Crystal, Trey said you didn't want to tutor him," Vicky stated. I pretended to be sad, "What, that's not true I wanted to help him but he wouldn't let me," Crystal argued. they both looked at me. "You're gonna believe her," I said. "Of course I am, I know Crystal better than anyone, she would never do that she loves helping people, that's how nice she is," Vicky explained. "WHAT, you're little cousin over there is evil," I yelled. Crystal gave me death glares, Vicky looked at her and Crystal gave her an innocent smile, that bitch. "Well both of you downstairs, I got a date tonight," Vicky said rushing us out the door. "Whoa, I didn't know you wanted to go out with me, I'll be ready in 30 minutes," I said. Vicky pushed me out of her room, "Never in a million years loser," she slammed the door. Crystal started laughing, I glared at her "Shut up," I snapped. "How does it feel to be rejected," she said. "it feels like shit," I mumbled hoping she didn't hear me. "Well that's how every girl in the school feel," she said. "I don't care, I think I got a chance with you're cousin," I said confidently. "Look my sister is not like other girls you date, she's smart, older, and mature, those types of girls wouldn't date guys like you," she explained. "OK I know older girls never go out with me but they always flirt with me. also smart and mature girls do date guys like me," I said. she glared at me, "I mean you did say I was cute and Vicky told me you talk about me everyday," I revealed smirking. Crystal's jaw dropped, and her eyes widen. I walked downstairs laughing. "I do not talk about you," Crystal denied. "Oh so Vicky Is lying," I said. I sat on the couch in the living room. "Well I do talk about you but in a mean way," she clarified. I stared at her, "So you can't get me off you're mind," I said. "What no," she said. "Oh so it is true you can't get me off your mind." "Huh yes I can get you off my mind," she stated. "So I have been in your mind before," I said. "What never," she denied confused. "It's ok every girl thinks about me, I wouldn't be surprised if you did," I smirked at her. She looked at me pissed, she walked towards me then sat on the couch sitting next to me. "I will never ever think about you nor will I talk about you in a nice way, I'm not that type of good girl that's quiet, shy and nice to every single person. I'm smart, quiet when I want to be, and I'm only nice to people who I like and I don't like you I don't think I will ever like you. Do you know what I do to people I don't like? She asked looking at me. I shook my head no. She leaned closer to me, "Good your not suppose to know, so don't be surprise when something bad happens to you, because there are so many things I can do to you, I got my ways and I got my people. I'm not the good girl you've seen around school, so here's a word of advice DON'T MAKE ME MAD," she explained angrily, her eyes were dark. "And if you think I'm mad right now, honey I'm way worse than this. Pray that you don't get me really pissed."

"Crystal I'm leaving," Vicky said walking downstairs. Crystal's expression changed "let's read them books," Crystal said smiling. Crystal grabbed a math book and opened it. She scooted closer to me, I was still stunned. "oh you guys are studying, that's good," Vicky said opening the front door. "yea of course," Crystal said smiling. Crystal looked at me, "Why wouldn't we," she said staring at me. "Well you guys have fun," Vicky stated closing the door. Crystal scooted closer to me, she grabbed a social studies book and flipped through a random page. "OK explain to me what the industrial revolution was and tell me about it," She asked reading from the book. i looked at her, thinking why the fuck is she acting like she didn't just threatened me 5 minutes ago. "Um," I looked at her not knowing what to say. I replayed everything that just happened in my head. I'm sober so this is real. "answer the question you can't be that stupid. We learned this in 9th grade," she stated annoyed. "shut up," I demanded getting angry. "NO, you are never gonna pass senior year, you're gonna have three baby mommas, and you will have a part-time at Burger King for the rest of you're pathetic life," she predicted smirking. "Shut up," I demanded once again. "No dumbass, you know it's gonna happen," she smirked. i stood up from the couch, "SHUT THE FUCK UP," I yelled. I started walking towards the door Crystal followed. "Aww are you upset," she asked innocently. i stopped my back was towards her. "Because if you are I honestly don't Give.A.Fuck," she said. I turned around and grabbed her wrist tightly, she winced. "What the Fuck is wrong with you," I asked angry. "Nothing is wrong with me," she stated with a hint of nervousness. "Let me go NOW," she demanded. "No, you need to hear this. why are you such a cold hearted bitch, you're fucking rude to everyone you don't even know," I yelled pissed. "you should be calling yourself cold hearted you break every girl's heart," she yelled back. i dug my fingernails into her skin, she scrunched her face in pain. "I fuckin hate you, I would have to kill myself if I have to spend anymore time with you, I never had so much hate for someone until I met you," I stated firmly. "I can't be tutored to an evil witch," I revealed, I let go of her wrist and made my way back to the living room and grabbed my stuff. I walked past her she had her head down rubbing her wrist. I opened the front door and left.

Crystal's POV

When Trey grabbed my wrist it brought back so many unwanted memories. Gosh I really made him angry. he looked so angry like he would hit me. I replayed everything that just happened, it reminded me of what happened to me and Vicky when we were younger. I just want to forget my childhood, I wish it never happened. I stared at my front door a tear rolled down from eyes. I keep thinking of the past, all the mistakes bad decisions, it's swirling all in my head. I rubbed my wrist, just when I left my past behind it all came back to me. my heart was pounding, I couldn't even think straight. I don't want to go through this anymore, I try to forget but it comes back to my mind. I want everything to disappear, I want to disappear and leave everything behind. I started sobbing, that's when I thought of something scary, my heart stop I can't believe I thought this. What if HE found us.

Hey srry I haven't updated :(

But I'm going to finish this book no matter what.

Anyway who's HE????

comment what you think

Srry it was short I'm going to update soon we are having a lot of snow days here in Ohio so I might have time.

Vote plz..

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