Pathetic Loser

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Chapter 6

Crystal's POV

"Apologize bitch!" Madison yelled at me. I sighed, we were in science class dissecting frogs. "I don't know if I should," I said uncertainly. she sighed, "You threatened him, just apologize." Madison gave me a glare, "Fine, I'm gonna apologize," I sighed. "He just looked really mad at me, that day. Do you think he will forgive me," I asked. "Nope not a chance," Madison revealed. I groaned and buried my face in my hands, "EWWWW THIS IS DISGUSTING, IM TELLING MY DADDY THAT YOU GUYS MADE ME TOUCH THIS FOUL NASTY FROG," a girl screamed. "Kayla please, just stop yelling. You may be excused if you don't want to dissect the frog," Mrs. G my science teacher announced. Kayla grabbed her purse and walked out the classroom. "She's such a bitch," Madison whispered. "Amen," I whispered back.

The bell rang, me and Madison walked out of science class, we were heading towards the lunchroom. "Hey girls wait up," we heard someone say. Madison and I turned around. "Hey, how are you guys," Tyron asked looking straight at Madison. "Um, uh we're good," Madison answered looking at the floor blushing. "That's good to hear," Tyron said smiling. "Uh Tyron have you seen Trey," I asked. Tyron looked at me curiously, "He's in the lunchroom but if he's not there he's probably in the janitors closet having sex with some girl," Tyron answered. "oh," I mumbled clutching my books closer to my chest. "Are you ok," Tyron asked worriedly. "Never better," I answered walking away. "Bye Tyron," Madison said catching up with me. "Bye, hope we can hang out sometime," Tyron said. "He so likes you," I whispered smiling. "You think so," Madison said uncertain. "I know so," I said chuckling.

Madison and I were eating at our lunch table, we're the only ones that sit here. it will be nice if someone sat with us. "Um can I sit here," this soft voice asked. Wow what a coincidence, Madison and I looked up, the girl is Caucasian, she have brown hair and brown eyes. "Sure," Madison and I answered at the same time. "Thanks," she smiled. she sat next to me, "So what's your name?" Madison asked. "Sarah," Sarah answered. "Well my name is Madison and that's Crystal," Madison introduced. "Are you new," I asked. "Not really, I lived in California then I moved here just two months ago, before school started. So I was here since school started, i just don't have a lot of friends here," Sarah explained nervously. "Oh, well you can start hanging out with us," Madison suggested. "I can," Sarah said. "Of course, it will be nice to have another friend to hang with," I said. she smiled, "Thanks."

"Crystal, look who's here," Madison said pointing to Trey. Him and Kayla just walked in the lunchroom, he had his arm around Kayla's waist. "I'm gonna apologize," I said getting up. "Good luck," Madison said. "Can someone fill me in," Sarah asked confused. "Don't worry I'll tell," Madison said. I smiled at both girls then walked to Trey's table. "Look who's here," Justin said smirking. I rolled my eyes, Tyron, Kayla, Trey and their friends looked at me. "What do you want," Trey asked annoyed. "Um to talk," I answered. "Talk?" Trey said raising his voice. he stood up inches away my face. "Yea talk, alone," I said quietly. "Why in the FUCKING WORLD WOULD I WANT TO TALK YOU, UGLY ASS BITCH," Trey yelled. everyone had their attention on us, my heart skipped a beat. "Uh I just, I want, um, I don't, I uh-," "Trey lets just leave this ugly loser," Kayla interrupted rudely. I scowled at Kayla, "Eww don't look at me like that, Gosh your so ugly, I hate looking at you, you are a disgrace to other girls, that's why you never have boyfriends, I bet your a virgin-," "SHUTUP YOU FUCKING SLUT," I yelled. "No you shut up, pathetic bitch," Trey announced. I heard a few laughs, my eyes got watery. "Go cry like a pathetic loser you are," Kayla said giggling. Trey looked at her curiously. I looked around the lunchroom everyone was laughing, I ran out and into the restroom.

"Hey girly, are you ok," Madison said concerned. "Why are they so mean to you?" Sarah asked. I was in the stall sobbing, "Come on Crystal, come out," Madison whined. "Why should I," I sobbed. "Because your showing everyone in the lunchroom that your pathetic loser," Sarah stated. I stopped sobbing, "Go on." "Well in my opinion I don't think your mean, ya'll let me sit with you guys, this past two months no one let me sat with them so I've been sitting in the library alone," Sarah said. "Aww that sucks," Madison said upset with a squeaky voice. "Yea it did, but What I'm trying to say is your nice to me. You didn't deserve to be laughed at, what ever you did to that Trey dude your sorry for it, and I think your a cool person for that."

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