Chapter 4

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He would have slept more but he was gently shaken awake. Slowly, he opened his eyes to find San peering into his eyes a few inches away from his face.

"Morning sleepyhead," San said with a smile. "I know you probably don’t feel like it but we have to work now."


Wooyoung was tired but he understood that he had to work so he got out of the vehicle and stretched his sleepy limbs.

"Do I have to wear the suit right now?"

San shook his head no and led them inside the building.

"No. It’s your first day so you don’t have to but on Monday you should. I also got you a salad so you can eat now if you want."

Wooyoung tried denying food but after a losing battle, he accepted it and ate.

The first day was spent getting around the building and learning the duties that he was required to know which ended up taking a lot of energy. After that, it was work non-stop for several weeks.

It was the same routine every day. Wake up, shower, put on one of the suits, either get ready fast enough and get on the bus and on days he took long, San was there to pick him up. After that, it was work for the rest of the day and on some days, Wooyoung would look after Yongbok if the child was feeling particularly energetic after school one day.

It was on one day nearing the end of the first month that San had a tight schedule and picking up Yongbok from school was out of the question. Meeting after meeting was occurring and San was stressed. It was either miss the most important meeting of the day and pick up his son or have the meeting and leave Yongbok at school until at least 5:30. Either way, it was a horrible outcome but San couldn’t miss the meeting. And to make it worse, his personal driver was running an errand.

His secretary, Hongjoong, watched San from a seat in the meeting room and wondered why his boss was such an idiot. Didn’t he have a personal assistant for a reason? Wasn't a personal assistant also for the odd jobs such as picking up a child from school?


"Not right now, Joong. I need to call the school and tell them I won’t be able to pick up Yongbok."

"San, I’m sorry to say this but you’re an idiot. Isn’t Wooyoung your personal assistant for a reason?"

Realization dawned on San's face and Hongjoong rolled his eyes. Was this man really the CEO? 

San immediately called Wooyoung to his side and quickly explained to him what he needed. Without hesitation, Wooyoung was already grabbing the keys to one of San's personal vehicles and on his way out. 

In all honesty, Wooyoung really didn’t know how to drive that well and he had no clue how he got his license. He was certain the day the person that tested his driving was high and just allowed him to pass. 

So as he reversed and knocked down a trash can, Wooyoung prayed to whatever gods were listening to help him get to the school safely. Fortunately, he only knocked down another trash can, drove over a traffic cone, may or may not have broken the side mirror for driving too close to the traffic signs, and nearly drove over a pedestrian. Wooyoung thought that was an accomplishment already for not killing himself and decided he deserved a pat on the back for that.

Yongbok wasn’t waiting outside yet so Wooyoung assumed he was still in class and waited for him in the vehicle. And waited, and waited, and waited for a solid half an hour. 

"Where the hell is Yong?" Wooyoung asked to no one in particular, peering out the window.

A tapping noise on the window made him snap his neck to the side and he groaned when he felt something, most likely a muscle, being pulled. He lowered the window and was faced with a boy no more than sixteen.

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