Chapter 5

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Woooung stood in his spot, not sure how he should react. Surprised that he was invited as a parent or uncertain about going since he wasn't actually a parent. He opted to call San instead but decided he would shower first just in case San hadn't arrived home yet. He didn't want him on a call while he drove.

In the shower, Wooyoung thought about the invitation over and over. If Yongbok truly considered him as one of his parents, wouldn't that mean he wanted San and himself to be together?

"Aish, Yong will make me go crazy," Wooyoung muttered to himself, washing his hair. "If I'm considered a parent, then that means San and I would have to be married or at least date and we're neither of those."

In all honesty, the idea of dating San didn't seem too bad. Wooyoung looked past the money and saw; a gentle and caring father, a hard-working businessman, someone who cared for those around him, he enjoyed being around Wooyoung, and the best part, Wooyoung thought he looked hot as fuck when he was in a suit and even better when scolding someone since the vein on the side of his neck popped out. 

It all seemed good but Wooyoung didn't feel ready to date anyone. After surviving nearly 17 years of trauma, there was no way he wanted to jump into a relationship hardly 5 years after. At that moment, it didn't seem possible but who knew what could happen later on.

Wooyoung dried off and threw on a pair of boxer briefs and a t-shirt before settling under his blanket and dialing San's number, confident he had enough credit now that he was earning a steady pay. It had barely rung three times and the older male had already answered.

"Hello? Wooyoung?"

"Ah hi San. I was just calling because of an invitation Yongbok gave me. I remembered he gave you one as well and I'm not sure how to decline the invitation without hurting Yong," Wooyoung said, his fingers mindlessly playing with a fraying seam on his blanket.

"He gave you one? Interesting. But what do you mean by decline? You can still come."

"But it says it’s for parents and I'm not a parent."

"It’s okay," San reassured. "If you really don't want to go, it’s okay but if you simply don't want to because you're not a parent, then ignore that and still tag along."

"There's another thing, we're not actually together you know. What if they make us do coupley things?"

Wooyoung was getting more and more uncertain by the minute. He really did want to go but he just wasn't an actual parent.

"I doubt it."

Wooyoung stayed quiet for a bit but sighed.

"Fine, I'll go."

San was silently cheering on his side and a large grin spread across his face.

"Alright. We can go together after work," San stated calmly.


The two hung up and Wooyoung sank further down into his blanket for a nice sleep.


After work the next day came way too quickly and before they knew it, San was speeding down the highway with Wooyoung in the passenger seat.

"Holy fuck you nearly crashed," Wooyoung gasped.

"I did not. If you opened your eyes more you would see that I was way off from that post."

"So what was that crunching sound?"

"Oh, that? I drove over a traffic cone."

"Hesus Christ, mother of Satan!" Wooyoung shrieked a few seconds later. "I swear you actually drove over that dog!"

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