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TW: Mentions of revolting use of minors

San had a big surprise for his husband. He managed to win the lawsuit against Wooyoung's sad excuse of a mother as well as dig out some disturbing information from his husband's aunt. Luckily, they were both now locked away in prison.

It so happened to turn out that the woman was involved with using minors for the purpose of sexual slavery. San managed to win the woman’s company and had to hardly pay a dime. The reason being, he was married to Wooyoung who was an innocent member of the wicked family and so it was given to him with only a small fee that was left for the document exchange.

The only thing, Wooyoung didn't know about any of this. San had won the case a week prior and planned on surprising the love of his life on their five-year wedding anniversary. 

They had spent three years getting to know each other and San helping Wooyoung get over his monsters. It was until then that Wooyoung began to allow San to become more intimate but it was a slow process that San didn’t mind. And now, five years later, San was handing over the key of a multi-million dollar company to his husband to become the new CEO as a "fuck you" to his disgusting mother and aunt.

San just hoped his husband would accept it. 

"Dad, you look like you're about to shit yourself," Yongbok laughed. "Don't worryyyyy Papa will accept it and if he doesn't, just save it for me."

San sent his now thirteen-year-old son a glare which made him stay silent but the smirk remained.

"Aren't you supposed to be gone? I thought you were going to Changbin's house."

"I will but I'm wasting time. He said Seonghwa is making him clean and if I go too early then I'll have to clean and I don't want to."

San chuckled at that and rolled his eyes. 

Wooyoung came rushing down the spiral stairs that wound around the large fish tank and San stared in awe. He would never get tired of seeing his husband.

"You're looking stunning," San said, walking towards his husband and wrapping his arms around his waist. 

"Not bad yourself," Wooyoung replied, scanning San up and down, as much as he could from the position they were in.

Yongbok made a gagging sound and walked towards the front door of their house.

"I'm going to Binnie's now! Bye!"

The two hardly paid any attention to their son who just got into the vehicle and left as the chauffeur took him.

"Let's get going?"


The two went to a fancy yet cute little restaurant and it was towards the ending that San started getting nervous. 

"What's wrong?" Wooyoung asked, noticing something wrong with his husband.

San let out a sigh and knew he had to say it now.

"Wooyoung-ie, y'know the court case that dealt with your sad excuse of a family?"

Wooyoung laughed at the description of his family but he whole-heartedly agreed.

"Yeah. What about it?"

"Well I so happened to win it and I want to take this moment on our five-year anniversary to hand over the key of Jung Enterprises to the new CEO, Jung Wooyoung."

Wooyoung froze. The new CEO? What? 

"Wait, you mean me? You want me to become the CEO of a company you just won?"

"I couldn't have won it without you so yes, I want you to have it. We can both be sexy CEOs." 

Wooyoung laughed loudly and San absorbed the sound. It was a lovely sound even though it was loud as shit. 

"Do you accept it?"

"Only if you're certain."

"Of course I am. I'm as certain as the day I said I do."

Wooyoung jumped up from his seat and threw his arms around San. He was the luckiest person on the planet to be married to the one and only Choi San and he would rub it in everyone's face if he had to.

Life was good even though it wasn't always perfect but when San was with Wooyoung, and Wooyoung was with San, life was perfect to them.

Because they had each other to fight off the demons.

And colour each other's hair purple.

-Fin. Fin-

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