Chapter 12

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Nearly two weeks passed and life was good. The employees were a bit shocked to see San's dyed hair but less shocked to see him and Wooyoung dating. Seonghwa and Hongjoong were excited for them and congratulated them with large smiles on their faces.

Yongbok had returned home the first Monday evening after school with his cast covered in drawings and nearly everyday he had different colours in his hair. Changbin also got in with colouring his hair and the two always rocked the colorful, rainbow-like look. 

The child had also proven responsible with the three fishes he had gotten and luckily San had gotten the big fish tank along with the other fishes because if not, they could have died.

It was a Friday evening and Wooyoung had decided to spend the weekend with his boyfriend and the adorable child. Once they arrived, there were several trucks parked in San's front yard and Wooyoung raised a brow in question. He thought it would be only them that evening.

"Oops," San whispered, laughing right after. "It's been two weeks since we got the fish, right? It seems they've come to install the aquarium."

Wooyoung's mouth dropped open. The fuck? Aquarium? Who the hell has an aquarium in their house? 

Apparently, Choi San did.

"Aquarium?" Wooyoung asked, hoping he heard wrong because frankly, why the hell would you use so much money just for meat with fins to have a cool house?

"Yup. Yong said he wanted fishes so I said I'd get him fish. Might as well go big since he really likes them."

Yongbok sat in the backseat not exactly sure what was going on but could figure out it had to do with more fish.

"We get more fishies?" Yongbok asked, standing up and leaning to the front of the vehicle.



Luckily, the people making the aquarium had arrived only seconds before them and so San let them in to immediately begin working. Yongbok watched in awe at how they cut and measure things and how his house was slowly changing. His parents were in the kitchen doing god knows what but Yongbok didn't care. All he wanted to see was how the workers began remodeling the entire section of the house.

It went on for a solid three weeks with Yongbok always sitting in the same place and San and Wooyoung always disappearing to who knows where but finally the aquarium was finished.

It had been installed in the center of the house and stairs built around it to get to the second floor. It was so beautiful and San could never get Yongbok away from staring into the tank.


"Do you think he'll move any time soon?" Wooyoung asked one evening, nearly two months after the tank staircase had been installed, as they watched Yongbok sitting on one of the steps staring into the tank.

"I don't know but he will eventually," San responded, standing behind the younger with his arms wrapped around Wooyoung's waist. He resumed to pressing kisses along the shorter's neck and rubbing his face in the fading purple hair.

"Why don't we dye your hair?" San asked, gently biting some purple hair.

"Maybe we should. I always dye it purple so should I dye it blonde or re- ahh!"

Wooyoung smacked San's arm and placed a hand on the area where San had tugged his hair with his mouth.


"That wasn't an 'oopsie' situation, Choi San. You intentionally did that," Wooyoung pouted, turning in his boyfriend's arms to face him.

San couldn't get over how beautiful his boyfriend was. The younger even started to get fuller cheeks and his ribs weren’t as prominent as before. He was slowly getting healthier and San absolutely loved it. 

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