Elena was 9 months pregnant she and Kol were out with Layla and Hope again Elena had two weeks before her due date and she was excited. They had everything that they would need for Evie and were just waiting on her to make her presence known. It was the day before her birthday and she was excited. They had decided to go to Richmond where there was a carnival going on. 

Kol had his arm around Elena who was eating a funnel cake. While Hope and Layla were walking besides them. "This has been fun?"

"Yeah it has." Layla was happy that they had decided to come and o this it was nice getting to spend time with them before the baby came. 

"Ugh." Elena paused for a second as a contraction hit. She had been trying to time them but she knew they could come up to a week before she had the baby.

"You ok?" Hope asked she knew that wasn't the first one in the last hour.

Elena nodded she was doing her best to get through them. But she knew when they were constant the time had started and her baby would be here soon. "Yeah, i just have to time them."

"Elena that's the 6th one in 30 minutes." Layla reminded she knew that it was serious and that she was having Evie soon.

"And the 12th one in an hour." Hope said she knew that it was game on now

"I'm fine."

"So what are you going to do with the bear y'all won."

"Give it to Evie." They would make sure that she always had in just in case.


"How about we go do another game?" Kol asked he knew they didn't have much time before they had to get back to Mystic Falls.

"Yeah that sounds fun."

 They were walking around looking for a game to do when Elena stopped. She knew that it was now time. "Umm, i need someone to call an ambulance my water just broke."


The ambulance arrived putting Elena onto the stretcher. Layla and Hope wished them luck but they knew that everyone else was going to be there too.  "We will see y'all later then."

Elena grabbed Layla's hand she didn't want the two girls to leave. She wanted them to stay.  "Come with us?"

Layla needed to make sure that she was sure about this"Are you sure?"


"Do either of you know how to drive?" Kol knew he had his brothers teach him that's why he could use any of their cars


"Layla stay with Elena I'll drive me and Hope." If Elena wanted them there Kol was going to make sure that both of them were going to be able to be there for her. 

"Are you sure?" Layla asked she didn't want him to miss anything this was his baby and girlfriend after all.

"Yes go." 

Layla climbed into the back of the ambulance with Elena while Kol and Hope went to get in his car or Klaus' car that he took.

The paremedics closed the ambulance and started to drive off turning on their sirens. Elena looked over Layla holding out her phone. "Can you call my mom?"


Layla took Elena's phone going to her mom's contact and pressing dial. 

"Hello, Elena."

"Hi I'm Layla." She wasn't sure how much they had told her parents about who she was.

"She knows." Elena assured her. 


"Kol's half sister Elena's having the baby we're on our way to the hospital now." 

"Thank you."

"No problem."


The two got to the hospital she was met by her dad and Meredith. "Hey are you ok?"

"Yeah." Elena nodded she was ready for her baby to come.

"I should-"

"Can you stay until he gets here?" Elena asked she didn't want to be alone right now.

"Yeah of course."

Elena got climbed off of the stretcher and got into the wheelchair as they took her to her room. "Change and get into the bed. We need to see how far apart your contractions are and if you're dilated yet."


Grayson came back with Miranda  Jenna and Esther. "Elena."


"Where's Kol?"

"He's on his way he's driving." And Elena really hoped that he got here soon but she also wanted him to drive safely.

Miranda looked over to Layla she assumed she was the girl who had called. "Your Layla right?" 

"Hi." Layla waved slightly.

"Layla?" Esther knew whos he was she was her stepdaughter.

"You must be my stepmother."

Elena didn't care what happened but nothing was going to happen here. "Any issues you have we're not doing this now. I asked her to stay Kol is driving with Hope i want them here."


Elena's phone started to ring. "Hello."

"Why didn't you call?" Rebekah asked she hated that she didn't find out from her best friend or her brother.

Elena squeezed Layla's hand as another contraction hit. She really didn;t want to hear anything about calling she called her mom that was it she was busy. "I'm kind of preparing to give birth right now. I didn't call my mom someone else did."


"Tell her to ask her dad about Layla." Esther knew it was about time for them to learn about their other two sisters.

"Your mom said ask your dad about Layla."



Rebekah went up to her dad's study she wanted to talk to him before leaving. She knocked on the door to his office knowing better than to barge right in. "Come in."

Rebekah opened the door walking inside. "Hi dad i wanted to ask you something?"


"Dad who is Layla?" Apparently her mom wanted to know so now she was asking who she was and what that had to do with anything. 

"Who told you to ask that?" Christopher knew it couldn't be Kol because he had made it clear that he was not supposed to tell any of them about it. 

"Mom." Rebekah answered and now she wanted questions of her own. 

Christopher sighed he knew that it was time for them to tell her about Layla and Hope and who they were to her. "Layla is my daughter."

"You have another daughter?" Rebekah had hoped that one of her parents would be faithful  but she could see that she was wrong. 

"I have two more."

"And you never said anything." Rebekah couldn't believe that he was just now saying something. And it was only because her mom had told her to ask in the first place.

"Layla is 14 and Hope is 15."

"Layla's at the hospital with Elena she's having the baby/"


Kol ran into the room with Hope. He was glad that he had made  "We're here."

"Here take her hand i can no longer feel mine." Layla didn't want to be rude but right now her hand literally hurted.

Kol went and switched places with taking Elena's hand. He was happy he made it before anything serious had happened. "You ok?"


"We're looking at at least four more hours."


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