Elena had slept over at the Mikaelson mannor. She got up because Evie was crying when she opened the door it stopped she walked in her nursery and seen Kol rocking her to sleep. She had to admit that she had loved the sight. Evie was only a few weeks old she hadn't been sleeping and her mother suggested she and Evie stay at the mannor although they had a rule. She and Kol could not sleep in the same room. She had spent the last few weeks adjusting to having Evie and thriving on little to no sleep. "Surprised you heard her."

He rolled his eyes and lowered Evie into her crib he had been surprised when Miranda had let her stay over. But then he found out how little sleep Elena had been getting and figured why she was here he'd get up and take care of Evie and let her rest. "She's out like a light"

"She'll be up in a few hours." Elena knew that her daughter wasn't going to stay asleep for long.

"Exactly which is why we both need to go back to sleep." He walked over to her taking her hand he knew that she needed to get some actual sleep and that wasn't going to happen while she was in Rebekah's room.

"What are you doing?" Elena based she knew they would both be grounded if she slept in his room tonight.

"Stealing you." He didn't care about getting in trouble he cared about his girlfriend actually getting some sleep.

"They're gonna kill you my parents let me sleep over because i promised i'd be in Rebekah's room." Elena didn't want to break their trust but she had to admit she'd rather be with him right now than laying with his sister.

"And you were." The way he saw it she had abided by the deal she had started off in Rebekah's room sleeping. They had said nothing about where she had to wake up at."I just want to hold you my sister kicks you aren't getting any sleep in there.."


The two left Evie's nursey closing the door he quietly guided her to his room. "Come on lets go back to sleep before she wakes up."


Rebekah woke the next morning not seeing Elena anywhere she got up going to Evie's nursey. She opened the door seeing her niece laying in her crib awake with her hands reaching out for the mobile. 

She went and picked her up smiling at her she could not get over how cute her niece was. "Hey, little one do you know where your mommy went?"

Evie reached for Rebekah's hair pulling it.

"Lets change you and go get your parents." Shne went and changed her diaper picking out a onsie for her and getting her changed before leaving out the room and going to her brother's room. She knocked on the door knowing better than to just open it. She figured if Elena wasn't in the nursery this is where she would be.

"Come in."

Rebekah opened the door closing it behind her knowing that none of them needed to know she was in there. She seen Kol laying with Elena curled into him his arm wrapped around her he had to admit they looked so cute right now.  "Now how did she end up in here?"

"I kidnapped her?" He really didbn't care what anyone had to say about it he would happily take the blame and get her out of trouble. 

"Why?" Rebekah asked she didn't get why he couldn't be away from her when he had done it so well whenever she wasn't here.

"Because she's my girlfriend." Kol said in a duh tone and if she was staying at his house he wanted her to be with him and no one else. So he had made it happen/

"Whatever." Rebekah knew that this was going to be an issue in the making but it wasn't her place to say anything about it.

Kol climbed out of the bed being careful not to wake up Elena. He took Evie from his sister guiding her out of the room and shutting the door. "She hasn't been sleeping." He wanted to give her the chance to just rest without having to worry about anything else.

"And i wonder why that is." Rebekah knew why it was it was because she had Evie and she was learning to adjust to waking up at random hours with her.

"Rebekah not the time." Kol warned he didn't want to hear it right now. 


The two headed downstairs stopping in their tracks seeing Miranda. Both wondering when she had arrived.  "Did you know she was here?"

"Be nice." Esther said they knew Miranda dropping by was a surprise for them.

"They're like that because they didn't think i knew where Elena was going to end up." Miranda wasn't stupid she had pretty much sent her here with the intention of Kol helping her to stay alseep. And rest. "She's in the same house as her boyfriend I'm not stupid. But i also knew you'd let her get some rest she won't let us take Evie and let her sleep she will let you."

"Have we been played?" Rebekah asked she didn't get why they would do all of this just so they could take Evie.

"We already knew we were wondering how long it would take before she ended up in your room." Esther knew all four parents had a different time stamp for when she would go into Kol's room.

"3 am." Kol admitted figuring they already knew and there was no point in continuing to hide it from them.

"She didn't cave as fast as i thought she would." Miranda got up taking her granddaughter from Kol. Since her daughter was sleeping this was the perfect opportunity for her to not only let her daughter rest but spend some time with her granddaughter. "I am taking Evie for the day she needs to sleep and not worry about her child. You two can not have her back until tomorrow after school."

"Ok" Kol was perfectly fine with that he knew that Elena needed the rest and he would make sure she got it. And that she didn't try to go and get Evie.

"Go back upstairs with Elena we need her to sleep." Esther knew that son could guarantee that Elena didn't get up for awhile at least.

"Got it." Kol turned and walked back upstairs to his room.

Rebekah didn't understand this or why they were letting this happen. "He gets to lay in bed with his girlfriend all day and the two of you are just about to let him?"

"I'm letting him take care of her because she hasn't been sleeping and now it's his job." After all Miranda figured since he was her boyfriend he could be in charge of making sure she slept more than 3 hours. 



Elena and Kol walked downstairs seeing Lexi and Rebekah sitting on the couch.  After Kol had climbed back in the bed with her the two had slept through most of the day.

They walked over to the two sitting on the couch across from them slightly confused to why Lexi was here and not with Henrick. "What brings you by?"

"I wanted to talk to you." Lexi and her mom had started to go through some of the old baby stuff her mom had and realized that she had a lot that had been untouched. 

"About?" Elena asked confused she hadn't seen her friend in awhile with everything with Evie so she was un sure what she would have to talk about with her. 

"So me and my mom were going through my old baby stuff and we found lots of stuff that you can have." Lexi knew that it was a lot of stuff that would look great on Evie. And she wanted to help her best friend as much as she could. "Lots of stuff she bought but never used."



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