Bonus Chapter ~ 2

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Amelia was quite fond of small towns. Only for a limited time though. Eventually they got boring because everyone knew everything about everyone.

For the time being, though, Mystic Falls was providing Amelia enough entertainment for her to stick around. She'd helped the Scooby gang solve a few supernatural mysteries, and she'd made a few life long friends, well as long as they didn't get staked or anything drastic like that.

"Oh Dame Dame! I'm home!" Amelia called out into the Salvatore Boarding house, the place she had called home for the past few months.

"For the last time Amelia, please don't call me Dame Dame!" The brunette vampire heard from upstairs. She smirked and grabbed a bottle of bourbon, taking it and two glasses, upstairs with her.

"What's got your panties in a twist? Is it Elena again?" Amelia asked as she leaned against Damon's doorframe. He was face down on his bed, his arms and legs splayed out as if he were a starfish.

"How did you know?" Amelia heard Damon's muffled voice say.

"She and I are the only one who can get that reaction out of you, both of us for different reasons. Me, because I'm annoying and you want to rip my heart out, Elena because you want to sleep with her, but can't. I haven't been home long enough so it's got to be Elena."

Damon turned over and raised an eyebrow at her, and Amelia just shrugged, while holding up the alcohol. Damon shifts so that there's room on his bed for her, and she makes her way over, already opening the bottle.

"Cheers to both of us being miserable," Damon said, after both vampires had a glass full of bourdon.

"Oh yes, what a lovely thing to cheers to," Amelia retorted, clinking her glass with Damon's and then downing her drink.

They continued like that for hours, not stopping even for Stefan and Elena's arrival. In fact, the alcohol intake only got heavier when Damon saw the doppelgänger.

"What could she possible see in Stefan, that's not in me?" Damon asked, obviously drunk. "I mean, I'm sexy, I'm boyfriend material, I'm heroic, I'm great."

"Yeah," Amelia agreed, going along with his rambling.

"Stefan is boring, he's got a pole up his ass, I mean the dude eats bunnies to stay alive, at least I eat people," Damon tells her and Amelia just nodded along, not completely sure what point her friend was trying to get at. "Why can't Elena love me?"

"Because she needs to go through her Stefan phase to realize that what she really needs is you," Amelia told him, patting his head. Damon just nodded and then took another drink.

That was how it was for the rest of the night, the two friends sitting in Damon's room, empty alcohol bottles around them, going back and forth while debating who had it the worst.

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