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3rd person POV:

Amelia hopped of the plane and quickly hailed a taxi. It hadn't been a full 24 hours since Hayley had called her and she was already in New Orleans. As the taxi drove Amelia towards the Palace Royale, she tried to come up with a plan. She knew that the witches wouldn't know she was an Original because of her mask. Amelia instinctively ran a hand through her straight, light brown hair. She knew that the Hayley was probably the only one who knew she was coming. So as far as Amelia knew, she had more advantages than disadvantages. But there was one thing, Amelia didn't know where Hayley was. She was snapped out of her thoughts when the taxi suddenly stopped. She looked out and saw that she was in front of The Palace Royale Hotel. She quickly thanked, and payed the driver and turned around to make her way inside. The masked Original had accumulated a very large amount of money over her 1000 years of life, so when the receptionist asked her if she would like the penthouse, she agreed quickly. Amelia knew that she would not be staying in New Orleans for long, but it would do. When she got in the elevator there was another man inside. Amelia studied him from her position in the elevator. He was lean, but muscular and he wore a hat. He had a bit of a beard, and he had blue eyes. When the elevator dinged, signalling her stop, she gave him a small smile and headed out, into her penthouse. 


As Amelia got settled in, she couldn't help but notice the strange amount of power she felt in New Orleans. It was like there were millions of supernaturals everywhere. She thought about that man in the elevator. He was obviously a vampire, it's wasn't exactly a secret. She had immediately recognized the daylight ring, on his hand. After Amelia had unpacked her last bag she decided to take a look around. The penthouse was beautiful and it was filled with natural light, which she appreciated. She went out on the balcony and she looked down on the masses of people walking around below her. She couldn't help but admire the beauty of New Orleans. She was in the French Quarter, and it was so cheerful, and welcoming. There were people, and color everywhere. It reminded Amelia of Rome. Amelia hummed to herself, as she made her way down to the lobby of the hotel. When she stopped walking, she found herself in front of a bar called Rousseau's. She smiled to herself and headed inside. She quickly ordered herself a scotch from a blonde bartender and she was almost halfway done with it. 

"So what brings you to the Big Easy?" Amelia heard the blonde say. She looked over at her and almost spit out her drink in shock. Sitting a few stools down from her was Elijah Mikaelson. 

"I used to live here," the suited Original responded. Amelia quickly turned her head forward again, but she decided to eavesdrop. 

"Really, when?" The blonde asked. 

"Oh, it feels like a hundred years ago," Elijah replied. Elijah looked over to the brown haired woman on his right. He had noticed her stare at him in shock. He listened for a heartbeat but found none. This woman was a vampire. Amelia smirked as he said this. She knew that it probably was a hundred years ago. 

"I just moved here myself. What brought you back?" The woman asked again. 

"Well, my brother's here somewhere. I'm afraid he might have got himself into a bit of a bind," Elijah responded. Amelia felt a sense of dread settle in her stomach. Amelia only hoped that Elijah was talking about Kol. 

"You say that like it's a common occurrence," the blonde woman noted. Amelia didn't know who she was, but she was pretty smart. 

"Well ... he's complicated. Defiant, ill-mannered, and a little temperamental. See, we don't share the same father. Of course that never bothered me, but my brother resents it deeply. Never felt like he belongs. All told, he has a long history of getting himself into trouble," Elijah explained. Amelia set her glass down, before she could smash it. Of course it was Niklaus. 

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