Thirty Four

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3rd person POV:

Amelia awoke to a large commotion coming from the courtyard. She quickly made herself presentable and came out of her room, gasping when she saw the cause. There was Papa Tunde laying within a circle of salt, blood covering his white suit. Amelia closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again to find the vampires staring up at her. 

"Call Klaus, he must be informed of this immediately," Amelia told them. Diego nodded and pulled out her phone, while Amelia went back to her room and began to pace. 

"Hey is everything alright?" Hayley asked coming into the room. 

"Yeah, except for the fact that Sabine killed Papa Tunde, and now has his knife. She's walking around town with a weapon that can incapacitate an Original, and we all know that she will not hesitate to use it," Amelia said. 

"How do you know it was Sabine?" Hayley asked, walking over and sitting on a chair.

"Because I saw her. Last night, I felt the surge of power that Papa Tunde released and then I saw Sabine walking away, with blood dripping down that god awful knife," Amelia said.

"Oh god," Hayley said. "Were you there?"

"No, I wasn't. Ever since I was human, I've been able to feel power, and focus in on it. If I focus, I can see what is happening in that place. The power is sort of like a projector of sorts," Amelia explained. Hayley nodded in understanding.

"Well, we better get down there and figure something out, otherwise we're all dead," Hayley said. Amelia's phone began to ring and she quickly answered it.


"Amelia, love, where are you?" Klaus asked. 

"I'm in my room why?" Amelia asked, walking out onto the balcony. She rolled her eyes and shook her head, smirking when she saw Klaus standing in the courtyard, looking up at her. She hung up and made her way down the stairs, as Elijah inspected the body of Papa Tunde.

"Can I get you anything, brother? A magnifying glass? A pipe, perhaps?" Klaus asked sarcastically, after a few minutes of silence. 

"You have a theory you'd like to share with us, Niklaus?" Elijah asked.

"Back in the day, the witches wanted to send a threat, they'd just kill a chicken and leave it on your doorstep," Marcel commented.

"It's rather a large and ominous chicken, wouldn't you say?" Elijah asked.

"Papa Tunde defeated Rebekah with ease, almost got the two of us as well. If he was supposed to be the prize fighter, why leave him for dead in our front yard?" Klaus wondered aloud, as Rebekah walked in and stood by Amelia.

"Well, don't you look cheery. Listen to this, a girl literally exploded from a grave today as Sabine was giving a tour of the city of the dead. It was Monique Deveraux," Rebekah told them. 

"What?" Klaus asked, as Amelia nodded her head. It made sense, the power from the Harvest was used to bring back four witches from the past. Once they were dead that power would transfer to one of the Harvest girls, and restore them. 

"The tourists thought it was part of the show, but the witches are celebrating like it's some kind of bloody miracle," Rebekah said. 

"Maybe it is. They think that all hope is lost, but now suddenly a Harvest girl is resurrected. This is how we're gonna get Davina back-– kill the witch who took her place," Marcel said.

"I have a theory about who one of them could be," Hayley says, walking down the stairs and showing the sketch of Celeste that Davina had drawn. "Celeste. I mean, it's got to be. Davina was trying to tell us, she was drawing pictures of Celeste. She was warning us that a great evil is coming."

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