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3rd person POV:

Marcel has pulled Thierry into a corner so they can discuss what just happened.

"I want to hear your side of it," Marcel demands furiously.

"Hey, Marcel, come on—" Thierry pleads.

"Your version. Go." Marcel says, not even flinching. Klaus was standing below observing the scene.

"We were tossing the Cauldron. This guy, some nightwalker, he attacked Katie for no reason," Thierry explains.

"His name was Max. I turned him, and as far as reasons go, he doesn't need one. She was a witch. He was a vampire. Now? He's dead." Marcel said angrily. Cami is watching their confrontation happen from the courtyard.

"I didn't mean for it to happen," Thierry spoke desperately.

"You broke my most important rule," He sighs angrily and glares at Thierry. "Damn it, T. How long we been friends? Seventy years? I turned you into something that would never die. I gave you a gift," Marcel reminded the vampire.

"And I have been loyal to you all this time, and I still am. I'm still your friend, Marcel. I swear, that hasn't changed," Thierry promised. Cami is still watching Thierry and Marcel apprehensively when Klaus joins her in the courtyard.

"Are you all right, love?" Klaus asks, concerned.

"He's got a temper, doesn't he? I guess this is the moment I remember I know better," Cami says sadly. Cami looks disappointed as she walks away. Josh walks up to Klaus, standing slightly behind him as Klaus reaches into the inner pocket of his coat, withdraws a folded piece of paper and hands it to him. Josh quickly pockets the paper and walks away. Klaus watches the balcony as Josh then appears next to Marcel and hands him the document.

"We found this at his girl's place," Josh said, handing the paper to Marcel. Marcel opens the folded paper, revealing that it is actually fancy parchment with the components of a complicated spell written out. Marcel looks even more angry when he recognizes the spell.

"Still my friend, huh? That's funny, because it looks to me like that little witch of yours got her hands on a spell that I keep locked away," Marcel said, betrayal lacing his voice.

"Marcel, I have never seen that," Thierry insists frantically.

"Shut up. I see on your hand, you still have the daylight ring I gave you. So, what would you need with the recipe for making new ones? Unless maybe you and Katie were gonna go off and start a little kingdom of your own?" Marcel accuses.

"Marcel, no!" Thierry pleads. But Marcel ignores him.

"Here's a lesson in friendship-- friends don't lie to me, they don't break my rules, and they do not steal what is mine," Marcel shouts. Marcel, realizing he's losing his temper, turns his back to Thierry to take a deep calming breath before turning back to him, his eyes filled with rage. "Ohh... For the crime of murdering one of his own, I sentence Thierry Vanchure to one hundred years in the Garden," Marcel said. He regarded his old friend with disgust. Below, on the dance floor, Klaus smirks proudly.

"And it begins..." Klaus said, smirking to himself.


Sophie is outside the mausoleum, where she has set up a map, a bottle of black sand, and a pocket watch to cast her locator spell. Rebekah enters the cemetery a moment later, and when Sophie hears her coming, she glances up at her, looking anxious.

"You're doing the right thing. It's the only way to find Elijah," Rebekah reassures the witch.

"I'm doing what I have to do,"  Sophie responded blankly. Sophie begins chanting the incantation for the spell

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