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3rd person POV:

Somehow, Amelia made it to the cemetery before Elijah, and Sophie. However, when she went to enter she was block by an invisible wall. 

"Boundary, of course," Amelia growled. She heard voices in front of her, and a group of witches came out. They made there way towards the entrance and Amelia hid behind a nearby tree. As the witches walked by, Amelia grabbed the one in the back and swiftly put a hand over their mouth. Once the other witches were out of earshot, Amelia pulled her hand from his mouth.

"What the hell?" The witch said. He raised his hand, and tried to give her an aneurysm. Amelia felt a tiny tugging in her brain but other than that she was fine. She just stood and waited for him to finish. 

"I'm very old, you're going to have to try harder than that," Amelia told him.

"Who are you?" The witch asked again. He was brave, Amelia would give him that.

"Doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that if you don't invite me in, you're head won't be attached to your shoulders for much longer," Amelia told him, slowly getting closer. The witch stumbled over a root as he was back up and Amelia smirked at him. "I'll give you five seconds."

"I won't let you in," he told her defiantly, but Amelia could see him visibly trembling. 

"Five." She took another step towards him, as he was shaking his head, "Four."


"Three," Amelia continued, watching as a bead of sweat dripped down the witch's face, "Two."

"Alright, fine!" He cried, right as Amelia was about to just skip to zero. "You can come in." 

Amelia stuck her foot through the entrance of the cemetery and was pleased when she found out that she wasn't stopped. She turned to the witch who had ever so kindly listened to her, and smiled at him. 

"Thank you," she said, before promptly yanking his heart out and letting it roll onto the ground. She quickly made her way inside, searching for Hayley. When she found her, she was sitting on a bench surrounded by a group of witches. 

"How the hell did you get in here?" A witch asked as she stood up. Hayley and all of the witches whirled around to see the brunette standing there with a smirk on her face. Amelia raised an eyebrow. 

"I was invited in," Amelia said, in a tone that made the older witch feel dumb.

"By who?" The witch asked again.

"Doesn't matter. What does matter is that I'm here to get Hayley," Amelia told them. She moved forward but was blocked by the older witch's arm. Amelia grabbed the witch's neck and twisted the witch around so his neck as at an awkward angle. "All it would take its one little twitch and your neck will snap. I suggest that you let me take my friend home or I'll kill you." The witch grunted and nodded. When Amelia went forward to grab Hayley she was stopped by a different witch. 

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that. Hayley is our leverage, and we can't lose our leverage," the witch told her. 

"Your leverage over who?" Amelia asked. 

"The Originals," The witch told her. 

"Why the hell would she be leverage over the Originals?" Amelia asked incredulously. Suddenly there were voices above her. 

"Apparently, they spent some time together. One thing led to another and now this special werewolf girl – she's pregnant. And the father of the child she's carrying, is your brother Klaus," Amelia heard Sophie say. Amelia glanced down at Hayley's stomach and listened closely. Sure enough there was another, faint heartbeat inside of Hayley. 

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