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Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying the story. The picture above is Amelia's outfit. 

3rd person POV:

Amelia followed Sophie all the way back to Rousseau's. She lost sight of her but she can hear crying coming from behind the bar. Amelia speeds behind the building to find Sophie crying to herself.

"Oh, you got me into this, Jane. Give me the strength to finish it," Sophie murmured to herself.

"Sophie Deveraux?" Amelia asks as she steps forward out of the shadows. Sophie looks up and gasps.

"Ameliana Moretti," Sophie breaths. Amelia freezes in shock.  

"What?" Amelia asked. She knew that she didn't take her mask down for Sophie so how did she know who she was?

"You're Ameliana Moretti. The sixth Original," Sophie said again. 

"How the hell do you know that?" Amelia asked. Sophie just shook her head in shock.

"Oh my god, you look so different," Sophie said. She examined the Original in front of her. Instead of wavy, red hair, Ameliana had straight, light brown hair. But Sophie noticed that her eyes were the same. 

"Sophie Deveraux, how do you know who I am?" Amelia asked again, slowly. She was prepared to rip the witch's head off.

"I'm sorry," Sophie said snapping out of her daze. "As children we learned all about you. The mysterious sixth Original who is supposedly dead. They showed us pictures of you. One of our elders was convinced that you were still alive, and trained us to see through masks if we chose to."

"So you can see my red hair?" Amelia asked. 

"Yes, that's how I knew it was you," Sophie told her. 

"Interesting, looks like I'm going to have to kill all of the witches now," Amelia said smirking.

"Well fortunately for them, I'm the only one of those witches left. The other one - my sister - died tonight," Sophie explained sadly. 

"Yes, I'm aware. I witnessed the whole Marcel showdown. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm also sorry that you are not able to consecrate her body," Amelia said sincerely. Sophie studied her for a second and then nodded.

"Thank you Ameliana," Sophie said.

"It's actually Amelia now. What you heard is true. Ameliana died back then," Amelia informed her, coldly. 

"Ok," Sophie said nodding. "Do the rest of the Originals know you are here?" 

"No, and I'd like to keep it that way," Amelia told her. There was a threatening undertone in her voice and by the look of Sophie's face, she had gotten her point across clearly. 

"Ok," Sophie agreed. Suddenly the door behind Sophie snapped shut, and Amelia quickly moves into the shadows. When Sophie turns around to see what happens, two vampire jumped down into the alley. "The doors work, you know."

"You're doing magic?" One of the vampires ask.

"I'm praying to my dead sister. Go ahead, pay your respects," Sophie said raising her voice slightly.

"Don't make this a thing, Sophie. The hybrid was looking for Jane-Anne. Marcel wants to know why," the other vampire tells her.

"I'd say ask her yourself, but I guess you can't, seeing as Marcel killed her," Sophie snapped. One of the vampires speeds up and grabs Sophie. But suddenly, he disappears. Sophie looks around, obviously afraid. The second vampire is confused. Amelia's head snaps to the side when she hears something fall to the ground. It was the heart of the first vampire. The second vampire looks up and then turns around to attack Sophie, but before he reaches her, he is also grabbed by who or whatever it was. The vampire gets thrown at the wall, a dagger stuck in his chest. Elijah stands near Sophie, looking at the dead vampire.

"I'm Elijah. You heard of me?" Elijah asks, as he wipes the blood from his hands. 

"Yes," Sophie says, nodding her head. She backs up slightly and looks at the spot where Amelia disappeared. She can still feel that she is there and she almost blurts out her hiding spot.

"So, why don't you tell me what business your family has with my brother?" Elijah demands. He notices Sophie staring at a spot in the shadows and his gaze drifts over to the spot. He squints when he realizes that there is a figure standing there, but he couldn't make out who it was. 

"Come with me," Sophie says quickly when she realizes Elijah is staring right at the spot where Amelia is. Amelia stayed silent and pushed her back further into the wall. She desperately hoped that Elijah hadn't seen her. Sophie allows Elijah to go in front of her, and she sends a discreet nod towards Amelia. As soon as she was sure that both Elijah and Sophie were gone, Amelia made her way over to the table where Sophie had lit a few candles. She inspected the map and saw a circle drawn around a point on the map. The Lafayette Cemetery. 

"That must be where Hayley is," Amelia murmured to herself. She sped out of the alley and towards the cemetery, hoping that she would beat Elijah and Sophie.

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