Twenty Three

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3rd person POV:

Amelia decided that she was not going to the Mikaelson Mansion today, not after her argument with Klaus. She took her time getting ready, thinking about what her life had become in the past few months that she had been in New Orleans. Hayley was pregnant. Hayley and Elijah had a weird connection. Rebekah saw through her lies. Sophie saw through her mask. Rhea and her family died. Hayley almost died. The mask came off permanently, although she still didn't know why. Klaus found her identity, they kissed. Hayley almost died again. She told Klaus she didn't want to be with him. And now her best friend and the noble Original were stuck in the Bayou, because Klaus decided to be a baby and bite his brother. She rubbed a hand over her face, at the mess she had gotten herself into. Not only that but ever since the day that Hayley and Sophie's link broke, Amelia started getting these piercing pains in her abdomen. What was even weirder was that she felt alive whenever she was around nature, which was something that she had missed from her human days, when she was a witch. She missed the feelings of nature working with you, but since she became a vampire that feeling had disappeared. At first she thought, that being exposed to people from her past was making her delusional, and she was just imagining it, but the feelings was only growing stronger. Her body was physically growing stronger. She could run faster, throw further, and it took her less effort to compel people. Although how that was possible, she didn't know since it didn't take her any effort before. Amelia heard her phone ringing and went to pick it up, but it stopped before she got to it. Shrugging it off, she grabbed her jacket and hopped in her car, heading off to the Bayou to check on Hayley, and Elijah.


Elijah is laying on a bed in Dwayne's old shack, tossing and turning restlessly while Hayley stands at his bedside and tries to feed him some water.

"Here, drink this," Hayley says. Elijah drinks from the cup she offers, but he immediately starts to gag and cough. He's pale and sweaty and clearly miserable.

"Forgive me. Please," Elijah said. 

"It's okay. Remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy," Hayley said. 

"Yes, remind me to remind you to get in line," Elijah retorted. Hayley rolled her eyes at his attempt to be funny. 

"It doesn't help that we decided to shack up in a swamp either," Hayley pointed out. Hayley walks out onto the porch, leaving the door open to let the breeze into the shack. When Elijah starts to cough, Hayley immediately rushes back."Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine. Please, just... return to your reading," Elijah requested. 

"I went through the whole thing. It's just a regular Bible... With an entry in a family tree that may or may not be me. But, you know, I've been a little busy worrying about you," Hayley said. 

"Hayley, please. This fever will make me unstable. And once the hallucinations begin, I'll start to see things. You must leave me here," Elijah said. 

 "I'm not leaving you like this," Hayley countered. 

"Yeah, sorry to break it to you Eli, she's more stubborn than I am, and I thought that was impossible," Amelia said walking into the shack. 

"Ameliana? What are you doing here?" Elijah asked. Amelia winced. 

"It's Amelia now, actually, and I came to check on the two of you," the redhead explained. Hayley made her way over and hugged her. 

"Thanks for coming, but you really didn't need to," Hayley said. 

"Of course I did. Did you really think that I was just going to leave and wait for you to come back?" Amelia asked. Hayley shrugged, and looked down. "Whatever, how can I help?" 

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