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3rd person POV:

Sophie is in the cemetery, packing various bottles of magical ingredients into her backpack, when Hayley enters the mausoleum.

"Hey, what the hell?" Sophie says.

"You're going out there anyway, aren't you? I wanna go with you," Hayley informs her. 

"No, thanks. Already got assaulted by Klaus this morning. Don't need a repeat," Sophie said.

"What if whatever is responsible for all those dead witches is still out there? We've already established that it likes me and hates witches, so you'll be safer with me," Hayley reminded her.

"Sorry if I'm not buying your sudden concern for my safety," Sophie said, moving to leave the mausoleum. Hayley blocks the exit, forcing Sophie to stop and listen to her.

"Listen. The whole reason I came to this stupid town in the first place was to learn more about my family. Your sister's the one that told me Marcel ran the werewolves out of the Quarter into the Bayou. And last night, I'm pretty sure that some guardian-angel-wolf saved my life. So, I'm coming with you," Hayley demanded. Rebekah walks in to the mausoleum and joins the girls.

"Could you two be more idiotic?" Rebekah asks, rolling her eyes. Hayley and Sophie both look at each other and sigh in frustration."Two can play the follow-game, you know! You heard Klaus, he and Marcel are headed right where you're going,' Rebekah pointed out.

"So distract them. Because unless you wanna lock a hormonal, pregnant werewolf in a tomb, I'm coming with you. And wouldn't Elijah be mad if he hears that the baby and I died of asphyxiation?" Hayley said smirking. Rebekah stares at her, clearly annoyed by her stubbornness. Sophie rolls her eyes and sighs again, resigned to having Hayley and Rebekah tag along.


Amelia woke up to her phone ringing. She groaned and reached for it, cursing whoever was disrupting her slumber. 

"Rebekah, hi," Amelia says, when she answers the phone.

"Hi, sorry if I woke you up. I didn't mean to," Rebekah apologized.

"Oh, it's fine. I was already up," Amelia lied. On the other end, Rebekah rolled her eyes. "What's up?"

"Oh, I just wanted to call and let you know that Hayley is officially insane. She's going back to the Bayou today with Sophie to consecrate the witches, and hopefully find out more about her family," Rebekah informed her. 

"And why does that make her insane?" Amelia questioned. 

"Because Marcel, and Nik are on their way to check it out, and Nik specifically told us to wait for him to return," Rebekah said. 

"So, Hayley and Sophie are going against Nik's wishes and are probably going to get caught? Is that the problem?" Amelia asked. 

"Yes, but there's more. They want me to distract them, so that they can get in and do whatever they need to do before Nik and Marcel get there," Rebekah explained. Amelia pressed her fingers to the bridge of her nose. 

"I swear, Hayley is going to get herself killed," Amelia said. She was dressed at this point and was making her way downstairs. 

"I know, I'm just trying to figure out how to distract Nik and Marcel, without them figuring things out. I mean you know I'm a terrible liar," Rebekah stressed. 

"You'll be fine Beks, I'm sur...." Amelia began. But she faltered when she entered the kitchen. Standing there, with a bloody knife was Rhea's eldest son Scott. 

"Amelia?" Rebekah asked. Amelia heard her voice but she didn't respond. She looked down, and there on the floor was Damien, Scott's younger brother. The phone dropped out of Amelia's hand and she put it on her mouth, tears started forming in her eyes. 

"Scott? What happened?" Amelia asked in horror. 

"Amelia?" Rebekah called again. The blonde Original was getting very worried and she was pacing the lengths of the Mikaelson Mansion. Rebekah could hear Amelia's heavy breathing in the background. 

"Scott, tell me what happened," Amelia demanded gently. Scott looked up at her, and Amelia's eyes widened when she saw his murderous ones. 

"I killed him," Scott said emotionless.

"Why?" Amelia asked. Scott slowly started walking towards her, but Amelia stood ground. She was an Original, the only thing that knife would do was put her to sleep for an hour at max. 

"Because he was always the favorite son, and I was sick of it," Scott said. Amelia analyzed his movements. They were rigid and sharp. When Scott looked at her again, Amelia looked into his eyes. They were glazed over.

"You've been compelled," Amelia realized. Suddenly, Scott ran at her. He was a witch, he didn't stand a chance but she didn't want to hurt him. She moved to the side and let him run past her. She turned around, just as Scott was about to sink the knife in her heart. She grabbed his arm, and twisted it behind his back. "I don't think so."

"I will kill you," Scott seethed. To say Amelia wasn't hurt, even though Scott was compelled would be a lie. She wanted to curl into a ball and cry. Rhea and her sons had always been like family to her, it pained her to see one of them like this and the other dead on the floor. 

"You can't," Amelia simply said. Scott ran at her again, but Amelia kicked him backwards which sent him flying through the wall. 

"Amelia!" The Original whirled around to see Rhea standing in the door with grocery bags in her hands. "What are you doing?" 

"He-he killed Damien, and then attacked me," Amelia said. She spun around when she felt Scott come up behind her and she grabbed his arm, forcing him to look into her eyes.

"Amelia no! You promised, no compulsion," Rhea warned. She was over by Damien and there were tears forming in her eyes. 

"You will stop fighting, and calm down. You will grieve over your brother, but you will not remember how he died. He slipped and hit his head. You will forget that this incident happened," Amelia compelled Scott. Slowly, Scott lowered his arm but he remained where he was standing. Amelia breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to face Rhea. 

"Oh my god," Rhea said. 

"I'm sorry, but he was going to hurt me and then possibly kill you too. I couldn't let him do that. This was the only way to stop him without hur..." Amelia was cut off by a knife being driven through her heart. She had just enough time to watch, Scott grab another knife and throw it at his mom. The weapon punctured Rhea's chest and Amelia tried to catch her, but she was already going unconscious. 


Rebekah listened to the whole thing, and when it went quite she got worried. 

"No, it's fine. Nothing can kill her, she's an Original," Rebekah assured herself as she called her brother. She still had things to do.

"What's the matter Rebekah? You cross that I'm out with your ex?" Klaus asked when he answered.

"What is all that dreadful hillbilly ruckus in the background?" Rebekah asked, annoyed.

"According to the dreadful signage, it's Big Auggie's Bayou Bar," Klaus informed her. 

"Well, order up a few rounds of moonshine and steer clear of the dead witches for a few. The witch is on a burial mission, your baby mama is on a spirit quest, and I'm keeping Elijah's promise to keep her safe. So, stall, please?" Rebekah said, then she hung up. She tried calling Amelia again but she didn't answer.

I just wanted to say that I am so freaking thankful for all of you. Love you 😍

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