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3rd person POV:

A priest is cleaning up a very run-down looking church when Rebekah enters and starts looking around. He briefly looks up at her before going back to what he was doing.

"Church is closed. If you want your horror fix, go take a ghost tour," The priest says.

"I don't much care for ghosts. I am, however, fascinated by window shutters. I've been on a town tour of them all day. I noticed the windows of your attic have shutters," Rebekah stated. 

"Are you really interested in shutters?" the priest asked skeptically. 

"I can assure you it's my current life obsession," she paused. "What's your name?"

"Father Kieran. And you are?" The priest replies .

"Mildly curious," Rebekah replied. Father Kieran sighs deeply as Rebekah notices a red stain on the nearby wall. "What happened here?"

"St. Ann's used to be the heart of the neighborhood. It's been abandoned for a while now... since the night of the massacre," Father Kieran said. 


A young, blonde seminary student in the church, who murders several other seminary students by beheading them with a scythe, before ultimately killing himself the same way, despite Father Kieran's pleas.


"Nine seminary students were killed... by one of their own," Father Kieran said. "You're standing on blood."

"I'm not squeamish. Where's the attic?" Rebekah asks.

"Like I said, the church is closed," Father Kieran replies. Rebekah moves herself right in front of his face and compels him

"Where is the attic?" Rebekah asks again. 

"Past the sacristy, up the stairs," the priest says. 

"Thank you. Now, forget I was here," Rebekah demands. The blonde walks away. After a moment, Father Kieran shakes his head, as if shaking himself out of a daze.


Upstairs, Rebekah finds the attic and opens the door

"I knew it!" Rebekah cries. She tries to enter the room, but she is unable to cross the threshold, as though Davina has somehow magically revoked her invitation. In the doorway, she looks over at her brother laying in his open coffin. His eyes open and look toward her, and he uses his vampire telepathy to speak with Rebekah in her head, using a memory of them going to an opera in New Orleans in the 1880s as a backdrop. She is dressed in 19th century finery and standing in front of a horse and carriage, looking incredibly confused

"What the bloody hell?" Elijah approaches her from behind, smiling roguishly in his own fine clothing.

"Rebekah, language, please!" Elijah chastises.

"Elijah!" Rebekah exclaimed. Rebekah runs toward him and hugs him tightly before looking around them. "What is all this?"

"You don't remember? We went to the opera house together. It was your first full day back into New Orleans' society after Klaus removed the dagger from you. It's a memory that only you and I share. Also, I need you to know it's not another of Davina's tricks," Elijah explained.

"Well, how are you even awake?" Rebekah questioned.

"Davina removed the dagger, unaware that doing so even once would negate the dagger's power. In a few hours, I shall be as good as new!" Elijah said. 

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