Twenty Eight

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3rd person POV:

Amelia woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. She hadn't slept in weeks and now that she had, she felt amazing. She felt a weight on her waist that wasn't usually there but she didn't pay much attention to it. Her eyes adjusted to the light, and the events from the previous night slowly registered in her mind. She turned over, just to find Klaus already awake, and looking at her.

"Good morning," Klaus said. His voice was slightly raspy, his hair was a mess, and he was shirtless. 

"Good morning," Amelia responded, a smile on her lips. "Did you sleep well? Did you even sleep at all?"

"I did as a matter of fact sleep, and it was very refreshing. What about you?" He asked. 

"I slept well," Amelia said. She turned her head to look at the clock, and her eyes bugged out of her head when she saw that it was already ten in the morning. "We need to get up." Klaus groaned and pulled her closer to him, kissing her. 

"But what if we took one day off. You know to catch up," Klaus suggested, smirking down at her. Amelia raised an eyebrow at him, and playfully shook her head. 

"I would love to, but you're the king of the quarter. You have responsibilities to tend to," Amelia said. Klaus frowned at that. 

"I forgot about that," he said. 

"You forgot?" 

"You took my mind off of it," he told her. Amelia rolled her eyes and pecked him before sliding out of his arms. 

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now go and do whatever the hell it is that you need to do. We'll see each other later," the redhead told him. Klaus got up and walked over to her, kissing her once more before she vamp sped to her own room to change. 

She finds Hayley waiting for her, a vintage, white wedding dress laying next to her on Amelia's bed. 

"So, how are you and Klaus?" Hayley asked, giving her an 'I told you so' look, with a playful smirk adorning her face.

"Shut up," Amelia said, throwing a pillow at her friend's face. 

"What happened to you, Lia?" Hayley asked, moving over to make room for her friend. Amelia sat down on her bed facing Hayley, and began to tell her everything that she had told Klaus. Hayley listened intently, and her eyes grew larger and larger as Amelia went on. After the redhead was finished, there was a long moment of silence as Amelia waited for Hayley to respond. 

"Wow," Hayley said. "So you're a hybrid now? The Original Heretic?" 

"I guess so, that's what my sister said. She told me that was the whole reason it took so long to become a vampire, because my witch side was battling it," Amelia explained. "Between that and the very faint amount of blood in my system, it took longer than normal." 

"Gotcha," Hayley said. "Well this is interesting. But also cool. I get to brag that my best friend is the Original Heretic."

"Whatever," Amelia said laughing. 

Meanwhile, Klaus made his way into Davina's room to check on her, just to see that she was missing. He checked all of the bedrooms, thinking perhaps that the young witch had gotten lost, but when he couldn't find her anywhere he knew that she had run away. He angrily pulled out his phone, and called Marcel.


Klaus and Marcel are in the living room discussing their current predicament.

"You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to know the obvious. Our secret weapon has escaped," Klaus said, returning to his cold, merciless self. The one that he shifted away from when he was with Amelia.

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