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3rd person pov

"Taka-chan hurry up its going to start!" "taka-chan the count down is almost over!" yelled by luna and mana to their older brother Mitsuya Takashi "alright alright I'm coming" said mitsuya. Mitsuya sits down with his sister facing the computer screen waiting for the count down to finish. "5,4,3,2,1! Its starting!" yell the two sister. The music starts to play and the six members of bloSSom starts to sing "look its Y/n-chan! She looks good and her singing is so beautiful!" said luna, takashi also listens to you sing he always been a fan of you since the day of your first song, he cant help to get mesmerized by you dancing and your face, he always has a crush on you since the day he saw you in the internet but he knows that its only a crush and nothing more because you're an idol and his a delinquent and he cant go to your concerts because of their state.

The video finish and the three mitsuya cant help to talk about you and your other member "Y/n chan and chaewon is so good when they sing together!" "Y/n chan is so good at her solo to shes so pretty" "yeah the way Y/n hits the the high notes is impressive" say by the three mitsuya "look theirs an announcement in their Youtube page lets watch it" said by Takashi luna and mana both nod and watch the vid.

The six member of bloSSom sits in front of the camera and greet them "hello everyone I am Chaewon " "Im Soomin" "Im Yoonah" "im Jia" "Im izumi" "and Im Y/n" "and together we are the bloSSom" said by all of you. "we are here to announce that we are having a concert in Tokyo this June 25 at XXXX 12:00 pm" said by Jia "we are looking forward to seeing you guys there and if you want to buy some tickets you can go to the places at the end of the video or click the link in the description below for online" said by you "that's all for our announcement I hope to see you guys there thank you for your love and support! Bye-bye!" all of you said good bye and the places you can buy tickets are place in the screen.

Luna, Mana and Takashi cant help to get excited by the concert you are having in Tokyo "taka-chan lets go to the concert the venue isn't that far from here" Luna yelled mana nod at agreement. Takashi click the link in the description and cant help to feel disappointed because of the price of tickets. Its too expensive for them and at their state they cant even buy atleast one. "Im sorry Luna, Mana the tickets are too expensive we can't afford them, I'm sorry" the two mitsuya can help to frown and pout because of the disappointment "but I wanna go..." said by mana Takashi pats his sisters head and smile sadly "maybe next time ill make money for next time, okay?" luna and mana nod in disappointment "ok then you guys go to your room and sleep its getting pretty late" the two mitsuya go says good night to their brother and go to their room. Takashi sigh loudly because of the disappointment, he cant see you in stage, he locks the door because he known their mother wont be home until tomorrow because of work, he turn off the lights and went to his room. Takashi lay down to his bed and look at the poster of you in the side of his bed "I wish I can see you sing in front of me, but I guess that's impossible" Takashi sigh and close his eyes "goodnight y/n" and then he fell asleep.


"Geez Im tired" said by yoonah "yeah and we have a concert coming up I guess we have to practice more and also learn how to speak Japanese" said by jia "I guess me and Y/n our lucky then since were Japanese, right Y/n?" said by izumi "yep we don't have learn how to speak Japanese anymore" I said and izumi and I high five "aww no fair" soomin pout we giggle at her action "anyways I have to call my cousin in Japan so that I can say I'm visiting him" I said "ok then were gonna go and eat hurry up and catch up" Chaewon "yup I'll be quick" I said and go to my dressing room.

I call my cousin number and waits for him to answer "hello?" said by my cousin "Hey Takemichi!" I yell to my cousin hanagaki takemichi "Ah! Y/n-chan how you've been doing? Your in korea right now right?" said by takemichi "yep, but im going back to Japan we have a concert in Tokyo in June 25 at XXXX are you gonna come?" I said "Oh sure how much for the ticket?" I just chuckle "don't worry about the ticket ill give you some vip since your my favorite cousin and you can also bring your friends if you want just tell me how many you want" I said to him "are you sure you wont get in trouble if you do that?" ask by him "don't worry I wont, I'll go there in July 15 send me your address so I can give you the tickets" I said "I can just go to you, you know" he said "I got it I wanna visit you anyway" "ok then you should rest now you must be tired I just saw your Music video your really good you know" he said while chukling "thank you very much I work hard in that, I'm gonna hang up now see you soon goodnight" "goodnight!" I hung up and went to my friends eating their dinner I sat with them and talk for a while. After that we all say goodbye and go home, I take a shower and change into something comfortable and lay down to my bed I look at my ceiling thinking about the concert I smile feeling excited about it and went to sleep.

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