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June 15

I'm checking my stuff before I go to the airport to make sure I wont leave anything behind "bark!" I look at my pet dog snow and I see him pulling his snack "oh your hungry? Let me get that for you" I walk to him and get the snack and give him some "do you want to go with me snow? Or do you want to stay in jinwoo house? Bark one if you want to stay then roll over if you want to come" snow then roll over and I chuckle at his cuteness.

"ok then I'm sure our manager wont mind having you around just behave ok?" snow then bark at me then I went to fix his stuff as well. When I was finally done my phone suddenly ring, I pick up my phone and saw my manager name on it I quickly answer it and look at the time "y/n are you ready yet? Were going to leave in an hour you should be here in 30 minutes, got it?" "ok I'll be there but can I bring snow with me? He want to come with me" "yeah sure the hotel were staying allowed pets anyways" "thanks manager! I'll be there on time" then the call ended.

"y/n-chan, we can leave whenever you like" I look at my driver Felix and smile at him "thank you felix can you help me with my bag please?" felix just nod and went to get my bag and put it at the trunk "Snow are you ready!" snow then run to me and I get his leash. I open the door and snow walk to the car and hop on I follow him in the car and close the door.

I roll down my window to talk to my maid alice "Have a safe trip y/n-chan" alice said to me while smiling, I smile back at her "thank you alice take care of the house for me" I wave at her goodbye and she wave at me to we then drove away from the house. I then notice snow scratching the window beside him I let down the window beside him then he look outside while his mouth is open, I cant help but to laugh at his cuteness then I guess felix notice to because he was also chuckling, I take out my phone and took a photo of snow and put it at my story.

After minutes of driving we arrive at the airport "y/n-chan were here" felix said I open the car door then help snow to get down then I hold his leash, Felix get my bags at the trunk and I ask him if he need any help but he shake his head no. There were many fans at the airport as well but the bodyguards are blocking them so they wont get near.

"Y/n! I'm a huge fan of you guys!" "y/n! please notice me!" "y/n! goodluck at your concert!" "we love you y/n!" "Ahhh! She just look at me!" I went inside the airport and I smile and wave at our fans this cause the fan get more louder. I chuckle at their energy and went to find the others.

"Y/n over here!" I heard a voice call for me and look where the voice coming from, I smile when I saw the member of bloSSom is waving at me I wave back then run to them "Hey guys!" I said to them while snow bark at them "hey y/n you nervous?" izumi ask me "a little bit but I feel excited more" "do you feel excited because of the concert or because of mitsuya?" yoonah said with a smirk on his face I blush at her statement "I'm excited about the concert and the friends of my cousin" "oh? Are you sure its not just mitsuya?" soomin teased they all stare at me with teasing eyes and I just told them to shut up with a blush.

They all just laugh at me "well anyways I didn't know you were bringing snow with you" chaewon said "well he said he wants to come with me and the manager gave me a permission to bring him" they all nod at my respond "hey snow how you doing?" Jia said while she pets snow.

"Great your all here just in time" we look at our manager who is smiling at us "come on our flight is ready your bags are already their" we all nod we went to our plane many fans were looking at us and screaming how much they love us. We all look at them and wave. One fan kid actually pass through the bodyguard and went to me ask for a pic but before I agree the guard lift her up and get her away from me "Hey wait let her stay a little!" I yell at the guard and he put down the girl I went to the girl and take a pic with her the kid was overjoyed and thank me for the pic I said your welcome and I saw her running to his mother.

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