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Hey guys new chapter and I just wanna say to the support you gave to this story and for my fellow Filipino I made a yt channel cause I'm kinda bored¯\_ʘ‿ʘ_/¯ the vid above is one one of my video and if your interested don't forget to subscribe I'm not forcing anyone but anyways hope you enjoy the story, love y'all<3

Hey guys new chapter and I just wanna say to the support you gave to this story and for my fellow Filipino I made a yt channel cause I'm kinda bored¯\_ʘ‿ʘ_/¯ the vid above is one one of my video and if your interested don't forget to subscribe I'm...

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We arrive at the court and I open the door and saw all of them already practicing "Ms. Matsumura, mitsuya said the costumes are ready we have to try them so they can fix the measurement" I let go of Takashi's hand and went to Ms. Matsumura and after I said it she smile widely "wonderful! Everyone, the costumes are ready were going to try them on" she face the members and I can see the members were excited.

"Were going to bring the costumes here since all of us can't fit the classroom" takashi said and Ms. Matsumura nod, takashi wave at me before going and I wave back to him.

"Aww how cute" I heard Ms. Matsumura voice and I blush and she just laugh at me, after a few minutes the door open again revealing the member of home economics holding tons of clothes, the boys of the theater club went to them and help them out and out the costumes at the chairs "alright everyone give your work to the person you measures" takashi face the members and all of the girls nod and went to get the dress they made and give them to the members of theater.

I look at my side and saw Akemi giving the clothes to Ezume while blushing and Ezume blush as well and get the clothes from Akemi I smile at the sight feeling happy for my Friend "here's yours n/n" I look forward and saw takashi holding 6 clothes "this is not all of it the others still there but I need you to wear this first" takashi hand me one clothes and I nod "alright but where do I change?" "Oh right about that" takashi search for a spot and I also look around for a room.

"Ehem" I heard someone behind us and we both turn around and saw three girls holding some big fabric "we can cover you y/n-san we bought some fabric just in case" I look around and now some members of home economics are holding the fabric to cover the girls while the boys are comfortable with each other, I smile at them and nod and they pull to the side and I can feel takashi following us "Leader turn around you can still see their shadow" one of the girl told takashi and he just obey and the three lift up the fabric around me, I quickly change my uniform to the first clothes takashi gave me and after 1 minute I'm already done.

"I'm done now" the three let down the fabric slowly I can tell there hesitant because it's only been a minute "seriously guys I'm done" they completely let down the fabric and gasp "woah" "you look beautiful y/n-san" "how can you change so fast?" I giggle at them and all of them have sparkle in their eyes "I'm an idol we have to change our clothes fast" all of them nod and one of the girl tap Takashi's shoulder and he turn around with a surprise look.

"I'm done now" the three let down the fabric slowly I can tell there hesitant because it's only been a minute "seriously guys I'm done" they completely let down the fabric and gasp "woah" "you look beautiful y/n-san" "how can you change so fast?" ...

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