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I fix myself up to go to school early than usual it is now 6:45 and the others are still getting ready while I'm all done. "well I guess I'm going to school early then" I said to them and they all look at me "Yup! Do well at your test" Chaewon said and the other say goodbye as well.

"have fun in your date with mitsuya!" Izumi said and I glare at her "I told you its not a date we are just going to study ok" They all just laugh at me and nod sarcastically. "sure, sure whatever you say" Jia said and they all laugh at me, I sigh at them and I saw snow walk up to me.

"I'll be going now snow take care of our stuff" he just bark and I pat him in the head "I'll be going now, take care, bye bye!" "bye!" they all wave good bye and I went to the elevator to go to the first floor.

Once I got to the 1st floor the staff greeted me since they all got comfortable after staying here for so long now "good morning y/n-chan your early today and the others are not with you" one of the staff said to me "ah good morning suki-san, yeah I'll be going first than the others I have to go to school early first since we have a test today and I have to study"

She nod in understanding "I see well I wish you luck at your test" "thank you, I'll be going now bye bye" she wave at me goodbye and I went to the parking lot to meet with Kayden. Once I got to the parking lot I saw Kayden outside the car looking sleepy while waiting for me and yawn escape his lips.

"good morning Kayden-san, sorry to wake you up this early" Kayden look at me once he notice me and smile "good morning y/n-chan, and don't worry I don't mind at all" he then open the door at the backseat door and I went inside.

He then go to the driver seat and drive towards our school "y/n-chan If you don't mind me asking why are you early today? Is there some event going on?" Kayden look at me at the rear view mirror, I shake my head no at him.

"well you know that I'm absent at class yesterday right? Well mitsuya told me that there is a test today and mitsuya wants to help me study that's why I have to go to school early than usual" Kayden nod in response and I saw him smirk a little.

"Mitsuya huh, enjoy yourself" I blush at his statement and my eyes went wide a little "Kayden-san shut up" he chuckle at my reaction and focus on the road again. After a few minutes of driving we finally reach our destination, I open the door and look around the school and only a few student can be seen.

Kayden let down the window and smile at me "welp I'll be going now y/n-san good luck at your test" he closed the window again while I wave at him good bye and he drive away, once he was out of sight I went inside the building and change my shoes and went to my locker to get my books.

I went to the library and take a deep breath and enter, it was empty and only the librarian was there "good morning" I greet her and she look up to me from her book and smile "good morning is there anything you need?" she asked me "I'm just here to study with a friend" "is your friend has a light lilac hair?" I nod at her and she smile at me.

"he's over there he have been there since 6:40" my eyes went wide and thank her before going to the direction she pointed at and when I got to the table I saw him arms cross at the table and hi head above it and was sleeping soundly.

I went to the table and sat beside him and saw the books he have prepare and look at him again to see his sleeping form 'pretty...' is all I can thought and cross my arms at table and lay my head and look at him.

A small blush went to my cheek and my heart was beating fast not long enough I notice takashi eyes slowly open and I just stare at him like at the concert I feel like the time slowed down and my heart was beating fast while looking at those beautiful eyes.

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