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Right now I'm at the sano household with emma and hinata getting ready for the festival "ok your turn y/n-chan" emma said once she come out from the bathroom wearing her kimono "you look pretty emma" I said "yeah, I'm sure draken will be thrilled" hina said and emma blush "thanks, but y/n-chan you should wear yours now you don't want mitsuya to wait right?" emma said and I blush and they giggle "fine fine wait here" I enter the bathroom with my kimono in hand that the other member help me pick out.

After a few minutes I went out and emma and hina immediately look at me they both froze at their spot and I just stand their waiting at their reaction "um, is there something wrong?" they just both kneel down and hold my hand "MARRY ME Y/N-CHAN" they both said and my eyes went wide and look at them in confusion "Y/N YOU LOOK EVEN MORE PRETTY RIGHT NOW!" Emma "I THOUGHT YOUR NOT GONNA GET PRETTIER BUT THE HECK AM I SEEING YOUR GORGEOUS IM JEALOUS TO MITSUYA NOW" hina I stare at them and giggle and they both stand up.

"thanks I'm glad" I sigh in relief and hina enter the bathroom next to change "y/n-chan, I'll help you with your hair mines already done" emma said and she pull me towards the chair facing a mirror "you look pretty even on your hair down what will happen if we fix your hair?" emma said doing my hair excitedly.

"You look pretty to emma" I said and she giggle and she put my hair into a bun putting a flower accessories on it "I'm done now" hina said and we look at her direction "you look beautiful Hina!" I stand up and smile at Hinata "you look so good Hina!" Emma "thanks guys I really appreciate it" Hina and me and Emma hold both of her hands "let's fix your hair now" we both said and pull her towards the chair and fix her hair.

After a few minutes we were all done and ready to go to the festival "we'll be going now grandpa" Emma said walking towards her grandpa and hug him "alright enjoy your time" he said and she let go, me and hina bow slightly to him and he wave a little to us and we all went to the festival, I wear a mask going to the festival to not attract any attention and get it off when we're on the stairs. After a few minutes of walking we finally reach our destination, I take off my mask and take a deep breath "let's go ladies the boys must be waiting for us" Emma said already climbing the stairs and me and hina giggle and soon follow her.

We finally reach the top and saw draken, takashi and takemichi "sorry to keep you guys waiting" Emma said and the boys look at us and smile a small visible blush was forming to takashi and takemichi's cheek "you sure did" draken said and we all went to them "hey it's nice to see you again" takashi said looking away blushing and I chuckle "come on now lets look around" I hold takashi hand and walk but he immediately stop me "without your mask? I mean don't get me wrong, you look absolutely stunning I mean beautiful no, I mean Gorgeous but you know your an idol and famous and stuff and people might see you with someone like me" takashi said looking down, I look at him with raise eyebrow and squeeze his hand slightly.

"Kashi.." I call out and he look up and I smile at him "what's wrong with people seeing us together? It's not like I'm in a relationship with anyone and our company also allowed us to date someone and your also courting me, so what's the problem? They'll soon find out anyways" takashi blush and I pull him again "let's enjoy this moment, don't mind the other people and just focus on us shall we?" He nod and we walk towards the festival.

Many people saw us of course, and I can feel some are taking pictures but I didn't care since I'm with takashi, I look around the festival and saw an apple candy stall and remember my father always buys me and Yu some "oh do you want to have an apple candy?" I flinch slightly by the sudden voice and saw takashi smiling softly at me "oh, um, well you know it's been long since I have one but we can keep on looking around if you want" I said and he just pull me towards the stall "lets get one it's been long to since I have one of these" takashi said and I blush.

MY IDOL - MITSUYA X READERWhere stories live. Discover now