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Its finally the day of the concert and I got up early so I can cook some breakfast, while I was cooking I was smiling the whole time and I heard the door of mana and luna opened and the two came running towards the kitchen "taka-niichan its finally today!" they both yelled "well you two are sure up early" "were too excited for the concert of course we'll get up early" I chuckle at them.

I put our breakfast in the table and I heard footstep coming towards the kitchen "you guys are up early" my mom said to us "hi mom! Come and join us for breakfast!" luna said, mom then sit with us and eat breakfast with us "so what's the occasion? Why are you guys up early?" "did you forget? Today is the day of the concert of bloSSom! We were too excited so we ended waking up early" luna said we all nod "oh right, its 12:00 right? Its only 7:00 tho" "well I forgot to buy candies for y/n niichan can we buy some?" luna and mana look at me "yeah sure" they both cheered and continue eating, after a few minutes of eating we get ready and go to my bike to drove towards the supermarket.

After a few minutes of buying stuff and arguing weather to buy it or not we were finally done, we decided to stop by the ice cream store and get some so that they would stop crying, After a few minutes of eating I look at the time and it's already 8:10 so we decided to go home and get ready.


"Y/n! Wake up! Were gonna be late!" I heard Jia's voice yelling at me to wake me up while shaking me "what time is it?" I ask her still felling a little sleepy "its 7:30 already! Manager want us at the venue at 8:00! He will be mad at us again!" I instantly woke up and look at the time, I saw that it is indeed 7:30 in the morning 'welp, were fuck' I instantly run towards the bathroom and take a quick shower. After a few minutes I got out with towel wrap around my body and walk towards the closet and look for something to wear, I just go with my black crop top and a skirt and run towards the mirror to add some light make up.

After a few minutes of getting ready and fixing my stuff I'm finally done then go to the living room to fix snow up since I'm bringing him with me, When I got to the living room I saw my Friends running like animals fixing their stuff "Hey! Have a...

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After a few minutes of getting ready and fixing my stuff I'm finally done then go to the living room to fix snow up since I'm bringing him with me, When I got to the living room I saw my Friends running like animals fixing their stuff "Hey! Have anyone saw my brush?!" Jia "Hey Jia where's my curling iron!" soomin "Izumi that's my dress!" yoonah "yes Manager were on our way I'm sorry for being late!" chaewon I just stare at them with wide eyes 'never in my life thought that I would see them like this' I went to the kitchen and saw snow eating "thank god someone feed you, by the way snow do you wanna watch our concert? Takemichi will also watch us" snow bark and jump around and I just giggle at him.

"Hey are you guys ready yet? Our driver is waiting outside for the past 20 minutes now!" I heard chaewon yell, I look at the time and its already 8:20 'we are totally dead' I get snow leash and put it on him and walk towards chaewon "I'm ready!" I yell the others also run towards the door then we all went outside and walk to the elevator. "I'm so nervous" yoonah said we all get nervous now that she mentions it "well I'm nervous about my speech I'm still not confident

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