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Its Sunday today and me and manager are heading towards the school we will be going to shoot, the others stay at the hotel since they have modeling yesterday they don't have anything to do today "Nervous?" I heard manager said in the passenger seat.

I was in the back seat and kayden was our driver "kinda I guess" I said to him "Your going to be alright y/n don't worry to much" manager said "Yeah don't stress too much your going to get wrinkles" kayden said and I giggle at him.

"thank you I'll do my best" I smile at them and they smile back, The car stop in front of a school there was many people around camera man, makeup artist also the director "wait here a minute y/n I'll talk to him first" manager went out of the car and I take a deep breath.

"you'll be fine just do your best" kayden said and I nod, manager open the door in backseat and I got out "lets go meet your director shall we?" we went towards the adult man and he stand up "great your here I'm Yuzo Kashima nice to meet you" he reach his hand towards me and I hand shake him.

"nice to meet you Mr. yuzo I'm y/n yu, I look forward working with you" "likewise, the other cast is over there lets go and meet them" we went towards one of the classroom and went inside "Y/n this is the others that will act as your friends, bully and also lover" I look at everyone and they wave.

"Hey, I'm kaede kayano I'll be Doo Woo Mi" "I'm Misa Amane I'll be Jo Ah Ra" "Gankyō Kūrūbiyūtei I'll be Jung Soo Ri" "The name is Zen I'll be Han Si Hoo" "Tenma Sumeragi I'll be Jung Jae Min you better do great you got that" I nod at him.

"I'm Y/n Yu I'm looking forward working with all of you" I bow to all of them and they smile except for tenma who just 'tsk' and walk away to get something to drink "don't worry about him y/n he's just a jerk, so show him what you got" kayano said and I smile at her "I'll do that thank you" and she smile back.

"alright how about you change clothes now y/n-chan? Your makeup artist is here" the director said and beside him was a woman "I'm Tadame Shimada I'll be your makeup artist" "Nice to meet you I'm Y/n yu, Looking forward working with you" "likewise, now follow me let get you fix up" I look at manager and he was smiling at me and wave at me to go with her.

I smile at him and I follow her, After a few minutes I was wearing the uniform and they also fix my hair, I went to the field and the director is there and some extra student was also there "you read the script right y/n?" director said I nod at him and he smile "good now lets get to position" I went towards manager and gave him my necklace "manager can you hold on to my necklace? Its kinda special" "sure no problem" he take my necklace and I smile at him.

I went to my position and waited for the signal, the first scene was Jae min playing basketball some fangirls can be seen in the background and I was outside the court with soo ri and woo mi, they will be talking about vampires and what would they do if they see one.

Next I'll be in the classroom looking out the window while the teacher teach us about the history of vampires and humans and what they have and what they not allowed with and then Baek Ma ri eating lunch and rejecting a classmate to eat with them and went to the bathroom to pretend puke and be drinking pig's blood which is tomato juice.

The scene was taken a few times because of people forgetting the script and some are messing up so we have to repeat again until it was 2:00 pm "ok lets take a break now our next scene is on the train which will take at the station near by, give them food" we all went to the classroom again.

"Y/n you did great" misa said "thanks misa you did great in your part as well" and she smile at me, the food arrive and we all eat chatting a little every now and then "Y/n someone calling you" manager said outside the classroom holding my phone.

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