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June 16

I woke up when I feel someone licking my face and the sunlight on my face, I open my eyes to see snow on top of me while looking at me "good morning y/n I already made breakfast come and join us eat" Chaewon said she's such a mom sometimes.

I stretch my arms and went to the kitchen I saw all of the member are their some still feeling sleepy "good morning everyone" I greet them with a smile "good morning y/n" "good morning" "morning" "morning here's your breakfast" they all said to me, I sat down beside Jia and Izumi and eat my breakfast.

"Manager texted me earlier were going to practice at the stage, he said we have to know where our position are" Chaewon said we all nod in response "what time do we have to go their?" I ask her "1:00" "oh then can I leave early? I have to visit my cousin to give him his ID and the ticket" "sure I'll ask manager for your driver" "thanks Chaewon" "welcome just be careful" I nod at her and continue eating my breakfast.

After eating I stand up and put my dishes in the sink "I'm going to shower first then" I said to them then go get some clothes to wear, I just get a crop top and a short with skirt on it,

After eating I stand up and put my dishes in the sink "I'm going to shower first then" I said to them then go get some clothes to wear, I just get a crop top and a short with skirt on it,

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then I go to the bathroom to take a shower. After a few minutes of showering I put on my clothes then look at the mirror. When I was sure to my clothes I get my makeup kit to put some light makeup to look presentable.

After a few minutes of putting some make up I look at the time and it was already 11:30 I put the ticket and ID in my purse and check if I forgot something "y/n your driver is ready whenever you like" Chaewon call for me I go to the living room and saw them sitting in the couch "alright then I'm heading out thank you again for the drive Chaewon" they all wave at me goodbye and I walk towards the door "bark!" I turn around and saw snow with his leash in his mouth "oh you want to come to see takemichi to?" "bark!" I giggle at him and the others laugh at his cuteness "alright then I'm bringing him with me" "be careful y/n!" they all said me, well since I'm the youngest in our group they sometimes a little bit protective "I will" I smile at them then walk outside, I walk straight to the elevator and press the 1st floor.

When I was finally at the 1st floor I notice many people staring and taking picture of me this cause me to walk a little faster to the exit and some of them still following me "hello l/n-san I will be your driver for today my name is kayden pleasure to meet you" he then bow at me and I was a little shock at his action "there's no need to be formal with me kayden-kun just call me y/n" I smile at him warmly, kayden smile back at me "alright then y/n-chan please get in many people are starting to come" I let snow hop in first then i get in, kayden close the door and went to the driver seat.

"Where do you want to go y/n-chan?" "please take me to XXXX" kayden nod and started to drove off, I look at snow direction and saw him staring outside "kayden-kun? can you open the window next to snow please?" kayden obey and snow stuck out his head and enjoy the fresh air, kayden chuckle at his snow action.

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