31| Raid

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Merraid's maids make their way outside of their compound, hearing thundering footsteps. Upon getting outside, all they see is Gozuki, the Elite Seven, and the Four Rakashasas Demons running towards them at full speed, killing intent leaking out of them.

Gozuki: "Don't even try to capture them alive! There's no telling what they might do if we let them live! Just focus on killing them!"

The Oarburghs responded by throwing smoke bombs onto the floor, causing puffs of smoke to explode every where. Gozuki halts to examine them, but his daughter, Mez, goes to attempt in charging right in.

Mez: "Ha! They're trying to slip away under the cover of smoke! Well, not on my watch!"

Gozuki: (punches Mez's head) "Hold it, you idiot daughter. My skin's prickling. That smoke is toxic. If you rush into the smoke, you'll die. Use your head for once!"

Instead of being disappointed for Gozuki reprimanding her, Mez only smiled as she held her head. In her youth, Gozuki wasn't around much, so Mez didn't necessarily have a father figure around when Gozuki was off training the Elite Seven. The tan girl then begins to laugh hysterically.

Gozuki: "What're you so happy about? I'm reprimanding you!"

Shuten: "A smokescreen's nothing to us."

Ibara and Shuten stood side by side, the two inhaling as much air as possible as their stomachs increased in size. The two then let out a large gust of wind, as if a bullet had shot through the smokescreen, clearing the area of smoke. Poney, Akira, and Green were shocked by such power the two had.

Mez: "Yeah! Go senpais!"

Two maids then came out from the side doors, both carrying assault rifles. The two maids of Oarburgh then unload the bullets onto the Gozuki's group, causing them to scatter. But Akira was quicker, dodging each and every individual bullet that was shot at him, the icy blue-eyed teen returning the favor. Drawing Prometheus, he flicked his wrist as he fired two quick shots, curving them as they entered the two maids heads, killing them.

Mez: "Ohh! Good job, juniors, too!"

Suzuka: "Now let's get going! But..." (breathing heavily with a blush) "Who knows what traps await us in the entrance into the building. I'll go investigate first!"

Ibara: (kicks Suzuka's back) "Fine! Then get in there already!"

The reason why Ibara kicked Suzuka into the building first is to investigate traps. However, the reasoning is, Suzuka is a masochist.

By now, the rest had gotten inside. Shuten came in from the ceiling, bursting through as he lands a powerful punch on one of Merraid's maids. Poney had came in alongside Gozuki and Green, the auburn haired girl using her superior leg strength as she lops the enemy's head off with a single kick. And with Gozuki's Teigu, Murasame, any cut will inflict the opponent with a poison in a matter of seconds, the older man swiftly cutting those that got in his way.

In a hallway, Gilberda was peering over in the great hall, seeing her comrades get slaughtered. Days ago, Gilberda's teammate, Cassandra, had suggested they leave while they still could, but Gilberda denied it, wanting to fight on just a little bit longer. The blonde Oarburgh member now wishes they had left. Her eyes darken, seeing Shuten's shadow hover over her.

Shuten: "You seem to be suffering, but don't worry. I'm going to free your soul."

Reeling his fist back, the buffer man towering over the blonde Oarburgh member, he lunges it forward, a loud crash was heard. But Shuten was surprised and shocked, Gilberda able to take his punch as she had blocked it with her own arm. She had received no broken bones, a large crater underneath her. Like most Oarburgh members, she had cancelled her limiters, giving an insurmountable amount of strength.

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