Chapter 7

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"Admiral, the interstellar gate is primed and ready for activation. We've also received contact through the other side at Ginza II and they report interstellar gate on standby for activation." YARVIS said as McAllen paced around the bridge as crew were stationed at their posting manning the various consoles that controlled certain parts of the ship. As he looked out the bridge, he saw the interstellar gate they brought with them that would link with the gate back at Ginza II, acting as a bridge line for other ships to pass through without having to take the two month trip into the unknown just off the outer rim of the galaxy.

"Very well, send word they are authorized to begin activation sequence. Contact Ginza and have them ready to activate their end as well."

"Signal was already sent they're ready on your say so Admiral."

"Very well then. Activate."

The battleships that towed it all the way out here began to separate and gain distance as the activation sequence commenced. Inner rings and parts of the gate began to rotate and gain speed quickly the longer they were active, channeling large amounts of energy through them and creating a tear in space and time from large open space from between, creating a rift that connected it's self with another gate of the same frequency it was connected to, increasing in size until it matched the diameter of the inner part of the gate.

Upon the full and successful activation of the giant ringed structure, the first ships arrived being six Orion class assault ships carrying an entire army combined big enough to perform a full take over of an entire planet or habitable moon, escorted by four Starhawk class destroyers...

...The aftermath had taken a toll on the city and it's people as there were lives to be mourned over, and a wall that was crippled and needed to be rebuilt. However the marines deployed from the Drakonis still hanging above the city were there assisting the people in clearing ruble and removing bodies, working on base of reconstruction efforts to the walls.

"Well it's done." Grey said as he, Piña, and Hamilton were paying their respects to Norma who was one of the casualties of the battle. "At least we can say the bandits are gone. But at a great price." Piña said as he looked down at the coffin that contained the remains of their fallen friend. "But at least his death wasn't in vain. We emerged victorious." Hamilton said hoping she could lift spirits and shed a bit of light on the aftermath.

"No, we didn't." Piña said with a more darker and gloomy tone. "It's Rory Mercury and the foreign soldiers who have emerged victorious. Despite the help they've done, they're the ones occupying Alnus Hill, and are still our enemy." A gust of wind blew over the three as one of the Steel dragons roaming about the air above Italica flew directly over them.

"Their flying steel dragons and weapons of dark sorcery laid waste to an entire army of hardened bandits made up out of former soldiers of the Allied Kingdoms within seconds. If they were to turn those weapons on us, then I fear we brought this city to fate far worse than defeat." She gulped as she could only image the outcome of them turning their weapons of war against them.

"Princess Myui would be forced to give up her position of power and be taken as their prisoner. Then Italica, a vital trade city of the Imperial land would be under the shadow of their rule, and it's citizens converted into nothing but slaves."

"But no, they would never possibly do such a thing!" Hamilton cried out but was silenced by Piña as she continued. "How could you be so sure? You think they would help us protect this city just to give it back? We are in no position to deny what they demand..."

...Itami, Kurata, Keith, Rory, Marx, Kuribyashi, and the others of 3rd Recon who took part in Italica were present inside the throne room of the Formal Palace as Piña, Hamilton, and Myui were discussing the terms of the aftermath with the Marine Colonel who was with the marines of the Drakonis. Though Myui didn't have much involvement as she was only present while Piña and Hamilton did the discussion on their own terms. "Article two regards all envoys, and their safe passage as well as their expenses. Article three will regard the trade privileges of any shop keepers on Alnus Hill. Tariffs are hereby waved." Hamilton said as she read through the terms. "However we would like to make it clear that we possess the right to captives."

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