Chapter 4

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"Lieutenant General Hazama, we've received multiple reports from the reconnaissance platoons sent out yesterday." Major General Briggs said as he handed a tablet reviewing the information of the reports.

"Excellent. Anything major as of now?"

"Well sir...3rd platoon reported something very disturbing." The Major General responded as he issued some commands into the tablet as it displayed it's contents on the big screen inside Hazama's office. On it was a picture of the dragon 3rd platoon encountered.

"The platoon encountered this life form after it set fire to an entire forest. A small village was located inside to which was also burnt to the ground with the forest. They only accounted for one survivor upon investigating the ruins."

Hazama shook his head. "Well...that's tragic. But should we be concerned about this dragon?"

"I believe so sir. Standard issue plasma munitions had difficult penetrating the scales of the wyverns we encountered both is Alpha I, and during the battle of Alnus Hill. May suggest we call command to issue us heavier equipment like the HT-3000 Hydra tanks incase we encounter this creature or multiple similar life forms."

The HT-3000 Hydra was a massive super heavy tank built in response to the heavy armor of Aakud forces, being able to penetrate even the most heaviest of armored vehicles the alien race was able to muster. Armed to the teeth with dual 400mm mass drivers, a set of missile launchers on the rear of the turret, a 40mm guass cannon mounted on the left side of the turret, an anti-infantry swarm missile launcher of the right side of the turret, and about twenty plasma based machine gun mounted around the hull, two being manually manned by crew. An absolute monster of a war machine, just big enough to fit through the gate utilizing six tread units powered by two fusion reactors. Much more bigger and powerful than the standard T-1000 Mammoth main battle tank.

"I'll send a request to high command to requisition any available Hydras that are in inventory." Hazama said. "Until then, keep our defenses at alert and at full power. The only thing that may be powerful enough to take out that dragon are our base cannons. Outside, we're mostly exposed if too far faraway. Alert all other platoons to keep alert and retreat if they encounter the dragon..."

"...Dear god. The whole village, burned to the ground?" The village elder asked as Itami's dictionary program began translating and forming a proper response for him. "Uh large dragon, red in color attack the village." He showed an image of the dragon on his PDA and made the village elder and the others gasp. "The Ancient Flame Dragon."

"But one girl, we saved. She's the only survivor we were able to find."

The elder stood before the unconscious elf girl and was filled with sympathy and pity. "She's the only survivor? That is just tragic."

"We came wondering if you could take care of her? We have no experience in dealing with an elf."

The elder shook his head. "We neither can care for an elf. Even then, we now have to begin to leave the village."

"You're leaving, why?" Itami asked as he was a bit confused.

"Because of the flame dragon. Once it's had a taste for human or elven blood it will be back for more. It's only a matter of time now before it returns and we're next to suffer the same fate."

Already, the entire village was filled with activity as people and residents began running in and out of buildings, pulling out ox and horse drawn carts and wagons from storage and loading things onboard. The entire village was now in full evacuation. "I understand." Itami said. "We'll assist your people as much as we can." He then went on the platoon radio frequency. "All units besides the tank crews and surveillance teams dismount and move into the village. Assist the locals with the evacuation. Surveillance team keep watch for any large signatures you detect. Make sure that dragon doesn't get the jump on us if it comes back."

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