Chapter 8

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Much of Italica had changed over the night as much of the ruined walls were now either partially reconstructed, or were being prepped for reconstruction. Temporary stations were set up within the city courtyards as supplies such as medicine, food, water, and materials for reconstruction efforts.

Above, a lone Condor dropship came flying in and slowed it's decent with the use of it's reverse thrusters and air brakes for atmospheric flight, bringing it to a quick stop above the Formal Palace main courtyard where Countess Myui, the Marine Colonel, 3rd Recon, the Formal maids, Bartholomew, Princess Piña, Hamilton, Bozes and Grey were standing and watching as the massive craft extended it's landing gear and touched down. The engines began to power down as they let out a weak whine before falling silent as the rear ramp door began to lower down.

Inside, several dark figures were standing within the interior as they on eBay one began to step out into the light where the crowd could watch. The first couple being soldiers of the United Nations Interstellar Army and a few members of the United Nations Interstellar Marine Corps. In between them, was a middle aged man who was wearing royal robes that the residents of the Formal Palace were anticipating.

"Father!" Myui cried out as she rushed up to the man who was Count Formal. "Myui, my daughter." The man said and he kneeled down and held his daughter in his arms. "I'm so glad you're alright." The young countess said as she cried up tears of joy. "As am I to see you are safe."

"My lord. We are overjoyed to see you've returned." Head maid Kaine said as the other maids around her were happy to see their lord returned home.

"I was told what has happened as of recently. How much I wished I could've been here in the defense of my city." Count Formal said as he release Myui and stood before Itami. "Are you the man in charge of this '3rd Recon' I've been told about?"

Itami now in his armor with the rest of his unit saluted as his face visor depolarized. "Yes sir."

"Sir Itami, you have my upmost most gratitude for your actions. A tragedy it was what has happened. But with your help and the assistance of your nation we can rebuild. The United Nations Interstellar Force shall always be welcome within Italica, as it has you to thank for it's survival."

He moved on to the Imperial Princess and his joyous expression dropped to a lower tone. "Princess Piña Co Lada. For many years have we served under the shadow of your empire, being a major point of trade for your prosperity. But despite your efforts to help defend my city, the Imperial Capital did little to support us in our time of need. From this moment on, Italica shall sever all ties with the Saderan Empire, and shall change it's allegiance to the other worlders."

Piña looked down shamefully and nodded. "I under stand your majesty."

The marine Colonel stepped forward. "Now I guess that takes care of reunification's, but now we have other matters to move onto. Itami!"

Itami stepped up and saluted to the Colonel. "Reporting sir!"

"I want you and the rest of 3rd Recon to return to Alnus Base ASAP. Princess Piña Co Lada has been granted an audience with several council members and the supreme President himself. You will be her escort detail and will help transport her to all locations sent through in a file on your PDA." He pulled the Lieutenant over to the side so they could speak a little more personally. "Not only are we giving her an audience with our government officials, but we want to show her exactly who we are and what we're capable of."

Itami nodded. "I'll make sure of it sir."

"Excellent. Once you're ready, you may depart when ever. If she wants to bring anyone else with her she may as well do so."

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