Chapter 10

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"All hands prepare for combat! Repeat, all hands prepare for combat!" SERINA's voice echoed across the intercom of the ship as crew had completely stopped what they were doing and were double timing it to their stations during combat.

Fighters began to launch in mass from the hangars as they formed up into squadrons and created a fighter screen around the battleship, as well as several corvettes that were taking up positions with the fighters, ready to confront the rodom fighters being launched from their destroyers.

The starboard mass drivers and point defense lasers began to rise up from their holdings and arm themselves, aiming at the larger ships as missile bays were stocking up and readying their ordinance into position underneath the hatches.

Shield emitters were being set to full as a transparent glowing blue field surrounded the Constitution.

"What's happening?" Piña asked as she and everyone else watched the smaller ships launch out and take formations in front of their larger ship. "You girls are in for a show." Keith said from behind as he and the rest watched the scene take place.

"All interceptors and corvettes, engage all hostile small craft and provide escort for strike fighters. All strike fighters focus efforts against enemy capital ships. The Constitution shall put her efforts against the enemy destroyers and fighter squadrons. Let's show these arrogant bastards what we're really capable of." Pike began giving orders as the rodoms made the first shots, sending a photon barrage at the human battleship as they hammered at the Constitution's shields.

The Constitution responded in kind as it began firing off a plasma barrage from it's mass drivers, inflicting damage on the ship shields as the shots impacted against a transparent fields around the three hostile ships.

In the center of the battle, small craft began to engage and clash as they exchanged fire, working to inflict casualties on their opponents. Meanwhile strike fighters and bombers of both sides broke through the engagement to commence attacks runs on the opposing sides capital ships.

"Captain, multiple rodom bomber craft on an attack k vector! Bearing zero-one-five-delta!" A tactile officer reported as she identified the incoming ships. "Engage all anti-aircraft batteries and target point defenses on those ships!"

The bombers began their attacks run but immediately came under fire from the large concentration of auto cannons, missile launchers, and laser batteries that began to tear apart the small ships. However a few managed to fire off their munitions as several missiles were launched.

The laser point defenses immediately switched targets and began to concentrate fire on the incoming threats, making them number one priority as beams of plasma cut up and destroyed the missiles. However one got through and slammed against the shields.

"No damage detected captain. But by munitions trajectory it is believed they are targeting our weapon systems." SERINA notified as another squadron of bombers were on another approach.

One of the media mass drivers adjusted from firing at the destroyers and made a single shot that destroyed one of the bombers, it's shields not strong enough to handle the large amount of plasma energy, making the other bombers break off as the point defenses and AA batteries hammered at their shields and hull.

"Baker two-one, bogey hot on your tail!" "Yeah, yeah! I see him!"

A raptor spun to the side as it evaded a burst of photons bolts, making a rapid climb as so another fighter could come in an swing behind it and engage. "Charlie three-two to Baker two-one, six is clear and engaging hostile!"

"India six-two, missile closing on you!" "Copy that!"

Two missiles launched from a rodom fighter screamed towards a ghost interceptor as the ship began to emit a pulse wave of energy around it before disappearing, much to the rodom pilot's confusion and to his horror as the human ship reappeared behind him and blasted his ship with plasma bolts.

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