Chapter 9

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"Is this the realm of the gods?" Piña asked as looked out through the massive window that gave her and the rest a good view of space. Below, she could see the curved surface of the moon they were on as several clusters of lights signaled the presence of cities down below, each with their own space elevator and station above them.

A large freighter passed by her view carrying several large containers of cargo as tow ships sided it and used their tractor beams to guide it into one of the docks.

"Guess this the first time they've seen space, or have any idea of what it would look like." Komakado commented. "We must get moving now. They'll have plenty of time to observe the stars." He said as he guided the group down the massive corridor as groups of people and sometimes other aliens races passed by them.

The personnel around them were mostly comprised of military personnel given how this part of the station was restricted for military use and operations.

Soon they reached the terminal their ship was docked at as they were given a good view of her outside through the corridor windows.

The UNS Constitution. Part of the UNIN's new Prometheus class battleships. A large advancement in technology, capabilities, and reliability from the current fleet of Bismark class battleships as it had new sensors suite, advanced mass drivers and missiles, a forward facing antiproton beam, neutronium alloy armored hull, next generation of energy shield emitters, more powerful maneuvering thrusters, and a much more advanced FLT drive for faster interstellar travel. As well as an extra three hundred meters in length when compared to the Bismark battleships with three thousand and five hundred meters in length. "There she is. The UNS Constitution." Komakado said as he lead the group over to the terminal entrance where they would board her. "I'm afraid this is as far as I go from here."

"You're not coming?" Itami asked as he stood at the terminal entryway as Komakado shook his head. "My task was to ensure your safe arrival to the Constitution. That is now done. My presence is needed elsewhere on this moon."

"Very well then." Itami said as he shook hands with the agent. "You have a safe trip." "As to you as well." Komakado then began to leave with his men as a naval officer came up to the group. "Itami's group?"

The Lieutenant nodded. "Yes sir."

"I'm commander Charleston. XO of the UNS Constitution. I believe our 'guests' are with you?"

"Yes sir. These are Princess Piña Co Lada and her knight. As well as a few other folks we brought with us." Itami said as he introduced the girls to the commander who nodded. "Very good. We'll be departing within the hour. Best we board before we reach the deadline or they'll leave without us."

Itami nodded in agreement as they entered the terminal where the crossed into the large ship through one of the docking air locks. "Wow, it's quite big in here." Rory commented as they were now in one of the larger hangar bays that contained a large quantity of Saber strike fighters, Raptor interceptors, Condor dropships, Humpback heavy dropships, as well as a squadron of Ghost interceptors. A new experimental class of fighters that had the ability to cross through inter-dimensions and teleport a short distance from it's current position in space.

Itami and the others were quite amazed as well as this was their first time ever being in a ship like this. "Captain's waiting for us on the bridge." Charleston said as he lead the group to one of the turbo lifts at the back of the hangar, selecting the command that would bring it up to the bridge. "Allow me to give a little more detail of this ship to our guests here." Charleston said as Itami was ready to translate for the girls.

"This ship is called the UNS Constitution. The six hundred and seventh ship of the new Prometheus class battleships. At three thousand and eight hundred meters in length, this vessel is one of the most advanced warships ever built with the equivalent of a small battle group built into it. She was fully commissioned on 2898 and took part in the final battle against the Aakud at their home world , scoring twenty one capital ships kills and destroyed one of the orbiting platforms defending the planet with a single shot from her antiproton beam. She's been a stable monument of next generation interstellar naval power for the United Nations Interstellar Navy." Itami translated all of that for the girls except for the length of it to which he said, "It's longer than the ship above Italica."

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