Chapter 3

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The sound of thumping foot step echoed across the valley that laid with bodies of soldiers who were part of the Allied Kingdoms. Crows and other scavenging creatures and moved in to feast on what dead remains they could get the entire valley was now one giant buffet for them.

Cyclops assault droids were what interrupted the silence of the corpses as their massive feet caused the ground to slight tremble with each step. Infantry forces were also deployed to run multiple sweeps of the massive grave site to look for any survivors to take as POWs, or put them out of their misery if necessary.

Itami was among one of those troopers as he looked at the thousands of corpses that surrounded him and the other soldiers with him. He suddenly stopped as he came across a massive crater. Somewhere an artillery strike hit and in the center was a half broken burnt bow. Climbing down into the crater he picked up one of pieces and held it in his hand.

"Sir did you here the report?" He turned to see another soldier standing before him with his visor depulverized revealing his face. Itami depulverized his own visor upon turning to face the soldier. "Intelligence predicts the causualty rating to be roughly around seventy thousand at the end of the battle."

"Seventy thousand? Much like the casualty rating back in Alpha I."

"You can't possibly be worried about them. They brought this upon themselves trying to fight us in the first place."

"I get that but, those casualties combined are worth two army corps of men. They knew of our capabilities but n the first battle, so why would they just send another seventy thousand to die? Who the hell are we even fighting here?" Itami using his own strength and the strength provided by his armor chucked the broken bow piece as far out as he could, landing it roughly a good quarter mile from where he stood...

"...Your majesty, the damage to the forces of the Allied Kingdoms is expected to reach almost one hundred thousand men. The survivors now have no officers remaining to lead them, and are either maki g their way back to their own kingdoms or are resorting to banditry." Marcus the Retainer of Emperor molt informed to which brought a smile to the Emperor's face.

"Good, just as I had expected. The threat of our neighboring vassal states rising g against us has been eliminated. Torch all villages and fields between the capital and Alnus hill. Poison the wells and herd their livestock this way. That should prevent the enemy from utilizing our own resources and water, allowing us to plan a counter attack once they're spread thin."

"A scorched earth policy?" Marcus responded with concern. "That brings me great worry over succession and tax revenue."

"What do you mean Marcus?"

"Well your majesty. We have a problem. A movement of forming behind Marquis Casel to replace at the head of the senate."

"Ha!" The emperor laughed. "Imagine the service I'll get from the senate once I reveal this travesty. Alert the Private Council I'll be needing their services right away." The doors to throne room boomed open followed up by a feminine voice. "Your majesty!"

Marcus turned around to see Princess Piña Co Lada walking forward with her knight armor.

"My darling daughter. What can I do for you?" Molt asked as his daughter stood before him next to Marcus. "It's about Alnus hill. It is my understanding that our armies were defeated at the gate, and that the armies of our vassal nations were also routed just a few days later. How do we plan to respond to this situation?"

Marcus was the one to bring up a response. "Obviously we shall regather our forces and create a plan of counter-attack-," "Create a plan?" Piña interrupted him. "The enemy is now at our doorstep, we must move now!"

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