Chapter 11

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" How did" Piña was at a complete loss for words, as were the other falmartians as the looked around their surroundings. They were currently on one of the many branches inside the hollow sphere world as buildings, cars, and fast moving trains surrounded them. Above them, instead of the blue sky one would normally expect, they were met with the sight of oceans, beaches, grasslands, and cities that covered the inner part of the sphere.

The amount of resources and manpower needed to construct such a massive superstructure would be far greater than anything the Empire had available. This project looked to have taken decades or centuries, when in reality it was completed within just seven years, thanks to advancements in construction methods and equipment.

"How big is this place Itami?" Rory asked as she looked up at the inside of the sphere where the sun was in the center. Itami reached into one of his pockets and pulled out his PDA, typing into the galactic web to search for information on the sphere. "It says here that Installation Alpha, or the Alpha Sphere, began construction in 2778 and was completed in 2785, with a full diameter of 12,752 kilometers. It was the first world sphere project of humanity and became the kick start for the construction of many other world spheres. A huge step in mega structure construction compared to the previous development of ring worlds."

The girls took a moment to soak in the information as they looked about in continued awe. "So, you have the ability to create worlds? What else can your civilization accomplish?" Persia asked as she stood next to Kurata.

"Sir Itami, what are we doing here exactly?" Tuka asked as she looked up at the lieutenant. "There's a hotel nearby that has a room already pre-registered for us. That's where we'll be cashing out for a while before we head back out into space, and make way for the Sol system where Earth is." Above them, several Humpback dropships flew over carrying the ridim refugees as they transported them to the Extraterrestrial Refugee Center. which was a massive beehive shaped facility hanging off of one of the columns connecting the center to the inner sphere shell.

The facility was part of the Extraterrestrial Aid Act. Established by the UNEG to support in operations and projects to help better the welfare of other lesser or unfortunate civilized life forms found within human controlled space on various star systems. The ridim fell into one of the categories along with several other aliens races humanity encountered during it's galactic expansion...

"...Pizza delivery!" Someone on the opposite side of the door shouted after knocking, making Keith get up from the couch he was laying on and open the door, revealing a young man with a red shirt and cap on, carrying several boxes of pizza pies from Pizza Hut. One of the few business originating in the twenty first century to still be in business.

"Thanks pal. Tip should be in the payment." Keith said as he received the boxes and closed the door to the groups room. The trip from the harbor to the hotel was relatively short as they managed to catch an express and ride it all the way to the hotel as the building was one of the train's thousands of stops.

"Pizza time!" Kieth shouted as he dropped the boxes on the small dining  table and opened them up, revealing pepperoni, olive and mushroom, and cheese pizzas. As well as one smaller box with buffalo wings and ranch dipping, making Keith lick his lips in excitement.

Everyone stopped what they were doing as Lelei, Tuka, and Rory came out from one of the bedrooms, Persia and Kurata coming out from another bedroom, Itami who was sitting on a couch next to Kuribyashi and Tomita, and Piña with Bozes as they returned from the balcony, previously looking out at the vast land around them.

Already they were passing plates and making their selections as they each grabbed one or several pieces of pizza, even mixing different slices from different pies together.

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