Ch.5 : Dear, me... (Part 2)

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Y/n wanted to tell Bokuto about the letter. Just when she was about to open her mouth to speak, she was cut off by someone knocking at the door. She looked at Bokuto, confused.

" Did you bring someone along with you?"

" Were you expecting someone else? " both of them asked at the same time and they shook their heads. Y/n was stopped by Bokuto from going to greet the person by the door. " Let me go check instead. You stay here." 

She knew, it wouldn't be Ikki because he has his own keys and he won't knock before entering. 

"'Kaashi??" She jumped from the couch when she heard Bokuto mentioned Akaashi's name and walked to the door to see Akaashi was standing outside, carrying a plastic bag with him. 

" Akaashi? What are you doing here? " 

Akaashi turned his gaze from Bokuto to her. " Sorry for disturbing you, y/n. I saw Bokuto rushed out of the gym after he received your texts. I was-- quite worried if something happened to you, as well. " he was fiddling his fingers when he said that. She saw a pale tint of red on his cheeks. Both y/n and Bokuto eyes widened for a second.

" Ah~ I'm sorry for leaving without saying anything! I was so worried when y/n spammed me. " Bokuto was covering up for her. She knew that so well.

" Ah... Well, I brought you some snacks. I hope it'll help to cheer you up. " Akaashi held out the plastic bag to her and she received them with a nervous laugh. 

" Oh, t-thank you, Akaashi. " 

 Akaashi bowed to y/n and Bokuto and was about to take his leave " I guess I should take my lea-- " but Bokuto caught Akaashi in his arm.

" Say, 'Kaashi, since you were here, why not the both of you hang out together? "he said that with full of energy as he sent a wink to y/n. 

" Both of us? "  Akaashi and y/n said in sync. Bokuto grinned and nodded. 

" Yup! I got an emergency so I need to leave now. " Bokuto picked up his bag and walk through the exit. " Oh, 'Kaashi! Take care of y/n for me! See ya guys~ " he waved and walked off, leaving y/n and Akaashi dumbfounded. 

" Um, so-- wanna come in? " she tried to break the silence between them. Akaashi turned to her with a small smile on his lips.

" If you don't mind. Bokuto-san did asked me to take care of you. " he said casually, which made her heart fluttered. She forced herself not to blush but it was too late because Akaashi noticed it first. " Come on, you need to rest for a while. Your eyes looked tired. " he took her hand in his and lead her to the couch in the living room. They plopped down but y/n kept a comfortable gap between her and Akaashi. There was a comfortable silence between them before Akaashi broke it.

" I'm sorry for not texting you before coming here. " he turned his body facing her and looked straight into her e/c irises. His beautiful sapphire orbs made it impossible for her to look away from him. She smiled softly.

" Don't worry. It's weekend and nobody's home. I felt bored so yeah. " she shrugged off the disappointment for not being able to talk to Bokuto about the letter and replaced it with the happiness for being able to stay with Akaashi, alone.

" Did something happened, y/n? Sorry, I didn't mean to pry on your privacy but the way Bokuto-san reacted earlier-- I can't help but to worry about you. " he said nervously.

No, Akaashi. It was you we should be worried about. She wanted to say that but she remembered the message from the letter for not bringing it up. Her mind raced as she tried  to think of something to cover up the fact that she cried because of the letter.

" Aww, I'm so sorry I made you worried, Akaashi. " she put on her best smile for him. Akaashi blushed for a moment.

" Keiji. "

" Huh? "

" Call me Keiji. I'm comfortable with you calling me by my first name. " he stole a glance at her before averting his eyes away to hide his flushed cheeks. Y/n can't help but smiled when she saw how cute he was at that moment. Deep down inside her, she really wanted to hug him, comfort him, make him happy and ensure him that he has Bokuto and her to care and support him whenever he needs them.

She placed her hand on top of his and smiled softly. " Keiji. " She saw Akaashi's eyes sparkled when he heard her calling him by his first name. He liked it. In fact, he likes her. She still has no clue about it. Though, it was quite obvious he does invite her to eat lunch together with the volleyball team, the way he treated her, far more special than the way he treated others. That soft look he only has for her. One month felt like almost one year. Both of them shared the same feeling of wanting to cherish each other. 

Without any hesitation, he laced his fingers between hers, holding her hand lovingly. Y/n too, wanted to show him that she cared for him by rubbing her thumb, caressing his hand. Akaashi opened his arm for y/n to lean in and cuddle up with him. Y/n wrapped her arm around his waist and rested her head on his chest. Both of them were enjoying each other's presence and warmth. After having a comforting moment for a few minutes, y/n began to speak up.

" It's kinda cringey but-- I actually cried after watching an anime movie. " she smiled sheepishly.

" Oh, what was it about? " Akaashi's hand caressed y/n's hair, which made both of them in a really comfortable position in each other's arms.

" Mmm, it's about the MC got a letter from her future self. Trying to warn her not to make any mistakes that will finally ended up her losing the person she loves in the future. " y/n gulped when she remembered the last words from the letter. Will that really happen if I made a mistake?

" Oh, that's kind of an interesting story. " Akaashi leaned his head on top of hers. " Was it related to the parallel universe? " he asked.

" What do you know about parallel universe, Keiji? " y/n tilted her head up to get a clear view of Akaashi's face. Akaashi paused for a moment to think before he shrugged.

" A hypothetical self-contained plane of existence, co-existing with one's own. " he defined the meaning by using a scientific definition which made y/n giggled. Akaashi looked at her bemused. " What? Am I wrong? " 

" Haha. No, you're not but the way you said it made you look so cute. " 

" Oh, shut up. " he teased y/n by booping her nose with his index finger.

" Noo, give me back my nose! " 

Y/n and Akaashi spent their whole day getting to know each other more by teasing one another, talking about their childhood memories and even cooked dinner together. For Akaashi, he felt like he could rely on y/n and Bokuto. He thought y/n, Bokuto and Konoha were the only people who would always be there for him whenever he needs emotional support.

But not everyone knows what he kept deep inside his heart...

' Parallel universe or alternate universe in fantasy or science fiction is a world conceived of as coexisting with and having certain similiarities to the known world but different from it in some fundamental way.'


A/n : Phew... that's the end for part 2 and the final part for Dear,me.

I was having a writer's block earlier and I'm really afraid if readers are not satisfied with my work... gahhh i need to throw this insecurities away. Not that I wanted to fully copy the plot from Orange anime. Just the letter part. I will make some plot twists and stuff to make this story more interesting.

If you like my work, please do comment and vote.

Love ya guys,


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