Threaded Fingers

399 33 162

Todoroki's POV

When I woke up again, I would have liked to say that I was feeling better, but I honestly wasn't. The couch I had been residing on for the past few days wasn't at all comfy, and the room was always dark and clouded. It didn't seem like Touya liked to open the curtains and crack open the windows often, so the place always felt hot and humid, which wasn't helping the tickling of a fever that I hadn't managed to push past yet.

I knew I couldn't stay here.

I knew that I needed to get professional medical attention for my arm.

And I knew that I had to return back to the dorms – to Izuku.

I was worried sick about Izuku. He must be scared – confused, even – and possibly mad that I hadn't come back yet. I wanted to see him again, to apologise for not being there for him, especially in a time like this, because I know that he is suffering right now. I know that he's going through something that words can't describe, and yet, I wasn't there for it. I was just lying on my ass like some dumb duck waiting to be shot.

But even though I desperately wanted to leave, I couldn't.

No, it's not Touya's fault that I can't go right now, but because I actually physically couldn't.

I wasn't well – not in the slightest bit, and the dizziness of the odd pain medication Touya had me on as well as the stuffiness of the room was making my body temperature continuously flair and then grow colder – changing constantly and making my grasp on my powers slip with every passing second.

At one point, the heat was almost unbearable, and I ended up freezing half the room, as well as coating my skin in a thin layer of frost. This happened when Touya was out to get some food for a quick ten minutes, and when he came back he had to ram his shoulder into the door in order to get it open past the ice. Sure, he could've just used his powers and melted the ice, but I knew how much that hurts him and understood why he didn't want to use his fire quirk.

Touya didn't want to be like him, either.

Only once he had made it into the room did he use his quirk, and almost instantly the ice had melted and then evaporated into nothing. Still, the air was a bit damp.

After Touya had dealt with the icy problem, he decided to give me the pills again.

The quirk suppressant pills.

I was glad, relief flooding through me at the thought of not having to worry about losing control of my powers, and relaxed after taking the first dosage. I knew that they were bad for me, but honestly, fuck it.

But then, after taking the second dosage again later that day, I realised something troubling – I had left my hoodie back at UA.

The very same hoodie that contained another bottle of pills.

Well, shit.

I had a lot of explaining to do to Aizawa when I got back, and I wasn't looking forward to it, especially when I knew that it was going to be a pretty harsh scolding.

But the bigger problem was that with the agencies and police forces building a case against me, those pills could get me into a lot of trouble.

So much trouble, that I could already feel my future at UA slipping through my fingers.

It was a hopeless, horrible feeling.

I needed to call Aizawa.

I had to call Aizawa.

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