"I can't stay here, Touya."

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Todoroki's POV

To say it was weird and shocking to wake up non-delirious to my eldest brother bandaging my left arm was an understatement. My first reaction was to startle and sit up, as well as to push the gentle and experienced hands away, but I only reached halfway in the steps, and fell right back down after a ball of nausea bobbed in my throat from getting up too fast. Well, that wasn't a good sign. I was probably still running a low fever, but I'm sure that with some water and a shower, I should be fine.


"Hey, hey, hey, don't go sitting up so fast, little Shouto. Just stay still like a good kiddo and then I'll explain everything and help you out." A crispy voice said, and I had to blink before matching the voice to my brother.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. "Where am I?"

Touya had continued to hold my arm and wrap it, his fingers experienced and soothing. "We're at my place, just outside Tokyo."

I opened my eyes, and felt my brows furrow. "Outside Tokyo? We're that far away from UA?"

The spiky-haired male mummed in agreement, and finished up securing the bandage, clapping his hands together once he was finished. "We might be a fair way away from your goodie-two-shoes high school, but if you want to go back, it's only a two-hour drive."

The frown in my eyebrows deepened slightly. "If I want to go back? Why wouldn't I want to go back?"

Touya sighed, and rested his hands on his knees, his legs crossed. "Well, if you really think about it, they're assuming you're an accomplice to murder, and a traitor of one of the most prestigious hero schools the world has to offer. If you go back, I can't guarantee that they'll let you walk free."

I took a breath, knowing that what he said was true, but not wanting to believe it. "Aizawa Sensei can help me. He'll help me get out of this." Even though I wanted to be certain that with Aizawa on my side everything would be alright, I couldn't, and I knew that I was grasping at straws.

Touya looked down, and fiddled with his fingers for a second before replying. "I don't understand how you could trust a man like that."

A small spark of anger flared within me, and I lifted my head up to recount what he was saying. "Aizawa's a good person, Touya. He's probably one of the best heroes that I know."

The older flame user snorted a laugh, dismissing my response as nonsense. "You may see him as a good person, but when you alone really needed him, was he there?"

I remained silent, struggling to rack through my pounding head to remember a time when Aizawa was there when I needed him. When I came up empty and didn't reply, Dabi smirked.

"I thought so." He continued.

I struggled to sit up, but managed to, even If the world tipped a little. "He's been helpful, Touya, and respectful. He's not like Dad."

At the mention of our father, the older stiffened for a second before letting his shoulders drop and looked to the side, huffing a quiet giggle and shaking his head. "Bullshit."

"He's not," I drilled again, adding more edge to my tone. "Not every man – or hero – is like Dad. There are good people out there; truly good people."

He huffed again and looked back at me. I felt a chill go down my spine as his cold turquoise eyes glowed in the dimly lit room, and for a second I was horribly remembered of the person who also had those eyes. It made me feel sick to my stomach.

"Good people don't just leave while a teenage boy is chained up and bleeding everywhere."

I rolled my eyes – an action that I regretted when the world spined again – and sighed loudly. "He was going to get help, Touya! He wasn't leaving me."

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