City of Gold

330 22 19

Aizawa's POV

The meeting with the other top heroes went . . . surprisingly well.

Kind of.

Well, it was expected for a few people – other than Midnight, who was running late and needed to be filled in later – to lash out and be ready to attack the moment Hawks and I introduced Dabi, but after getting them to calm down long enough for us to explain that Dabi wasn't actually a part of The League of Villains, they seemed willing to listen. Hawks, Dabi and I followed our plan closely – stating that Dabi was a spy in the villain world, and how his younger brother had nothing related to this, and that we could finally take down The League of Villains for good.

The other heroes, being mature as they were, listened to every word closely, and examined the files that Hawks and I had spent hours creating and perfecting a few hours before about Dabi and his deal with Hawks as a spy. There were some objections, as some people didn't believe that Dabi was actually good, but the 'official' government files seemed to clear most of the hesitation up.

"What about the murder that he performed and left outside the UA dorms?" Edgeshot, the acting number two hero in Best Jeanist's absence, spoke up. "That behaviour is not acceptable. I'd assume that you already have a punishment in place for him once this ordeal is over?"

I cleared my throat, and mentally cursed myself at forgetting about the man Dabi had killed. "Yes, Edgeshot, we are deciding an appropriate punishment for him, although it will not be placed into action until his cooperation of assisting us in bringing The League down is complete."

Edgeshot nodded at my explanation, and then settled down, moving to a different subject. "Do you have a plan of action ready for the ambush on The League?"

Hawks and I glanced at each other in uncertainty, and I was just about to explain that we were still discussing the preferable plan of action when Dabi spoke up from where he was sitting at the meeting table.

"Yes, I do," he pushed, his voice deep and grave as he skimmed his eyes over everybody in the room. "And you're going to have to listen really close if we're going to manage to pull this off."


The plan that Dabi came up with was unexpected and smart.

It was better than the small plan I had already made in my head, but that was expected since he has more knowledge on The League and their whereabouts than any top hero in this room. Everyone listened intently, asking questions every now and then, and when Dabi had concluded the plan, it was obvious to see that he had been thinking about it for quite some time. All the variables needed to win were covered, and he even considered and weighed the risks on who should fight who depending on their quirks.

Quite honestly, I was surprised, and so was everyone else.

"So," Dabi said when he was done, his turquoise eyes flaring with intense energy, just like his fire quirk. "Any objections?"

The room fell silent for a few seconds, most of us still marvelling at how intelligent Dabi was. The plan was the best plan we could get.

There was a light-hearted laugh from the other end of the table, and the Rabbit Hero: Mirko, slammed her hand down on the table loudly. "Ha! Smart, young man. And intimidating, just like your father!"

Something shifted in the room immediately, and a cold look settled on Dabi's face. I glanced down and saw his hands clenching, and Hawks discreetly moved closer to him, placing a protective hand over one of Dabi's trembling ones under the table. I was about to speak again to clear the tense air in the room that everyone was feeling, but again, Dabi beat me to it.

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