Diamonds can Burn

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Todoroki's POV

When I woke up again in the morning, it was to the sweet tranquillity of songbirds chirping outside and the lack of a heat source beside me. When I sat up and looked over, Katsuki was gone, leaving his space on the bed empty. I was grateful for this, since I needed time to process the events of last night, and without the blonde pestering me to get up and out of bed, it gave me enough time to gain the courage to get up and put some slippers on.

The door was left open just a crack, enough so that I wouldn't be disturbed by any loud morning arguments, but big enough that I could hear the murmurs of voices having a solemn conversation downstairs in the lounge room. I placed my hand on the door handle, pausing for a second to gather my bearings before pushing it open all the way, and heading towards the stairs. I was still a little dizzy after the call from last night, and was a little too dehydrated to swallow without my throat getting scratchy and giving me the need to cough. For a moment I considered if the sudden stress from last night was enough to give me a fever, but dismissed the idea quickly when I slipped on the last step of the staircase, and fell towards the floor.

My obvious misstep and the thud of me landing on the ground instantly gained the attention of whoever was talking in the lounge room, and when a helping hand was offered to me, I was surprised to see Aizawa standing above me.

"Sensei," I greeted, taking his offered hand and climbing to my feet. I had a good idea of why he was here, and the look he gave me confirmed my suspicions while he placed a steadying hand on my shoulder. "How have you been –?"


My question was cut off by a concerned and cheery shout, and I could barely turn in time before a weight crashed into my side, and a fluffy ball of hair was pressed to my shoulder.

I resisted to urge to cry, since I was in the presence of so many important people in my life, but it had been so long since I've been touched by Izuku, and while his presence was a shock, it was also a steady comfort, and the only thing in my life that seemed certain. Things were changing – people have been caught, have died – but Izuku was a steady pillar that was always there, and I would be grateful for eternity if I was given the chance to stay by my side.

Just please – please, don't take him away from me.

I smiled, and looked down at the teenager clinging to me. "Izuku."

His name felt like chilled diamonds on my tongue.

The greenette looked up, smile bright and wide, and I loved – missed the way his freckles curled with his dimples. "Hi, Shouto."

We were silent for a few seconds, and I took the time to carefully study the other male. He looked good – well, he always looked good – and had a healthy and stress-free glow to his skin. I was glad that he seemed to be doing better, and I'm sure that he was glad that his attacker was dead. But no, that's not right. Izuku wouldn't be glad for someone's death – he's not that type of person, he's soft and forgiving – but there was nothing that that man did that was forgivable. The stress and worry of him still being here to hurt others is gone, but in Izuku's eyes, a life was still lost.

I guess that's why he has such a precious soul.

"What are you doing here?" I asked softly.

He continued to smile, and rubbed my arm. "We have to go, Shouto. There's a lot to discuss."

From the side, Aizawa made an agreeable hum. "I have to take you both back to UA to debrief the case with you and some other heroes," he began, stepping forward. He gave me a meaningful glance. "Some agents of the hero agency are sceptical of Todoroki's involvement in the case, and would like his presence and cooperation while the matter is sorted."

The teacher by day and hero by night turned to the two older Bakugous.

"I'm sorry if the situation has ruined any plans you might have planned." He concluded.

Mitsuki Bakugou waved a pedicured hand, and dismissed the idea. "It's fine. This is a more important matter anyway."

Aizawa nodded at her as a thank you.

"We need to leave as soon as we can. This matter cannot wait." Aizawa stated, looking back at Izuku and I.

I nodded. Telling from the All Might themed bag hanging off Izuku's shoulder, Aizawa had already left to pick up Izuku before he came here, and was now here to take me away. I suddenly felt anxious at how fast things were going, and looked to the ground.

"Can I come too?"

I looked up at the request, and was surprised to see Katsuki sitting at the table, a glass of water in front of him. He looked like he really wanted to go despite the lack of empathy on his face, but was still met with a no.

"I can only take Todoroki and Midoriya. I'll try to bring them back home as soon as I can." Aizawa said.

With that, everyone nodded, and I headed upstairs with the two childhood friends tailing behind me. Quickly, but leisurely as well, we packed a small bag for me with all the things I needed, and spared a few joking words while finding things I would need. The familiar weight of a plastic cylinder in my pocket was making my anxiety grow, and I felt a small misguided thrill as I slipped the quirk restraining pills into my bag. I knew I shouldn't have kept them – they were illegal and bad for my body – but they could come in handy later or could prove to be a good piece of evidence.

Evidence I wasn't going to let anyone find.

And while watching the Bakugou household disappear down the road once Aizawa, Izuku and I were loaded in the car, I made a new promise.

I would protect my brother, because even though flames are dangerous, our family scars burn brighter.

I hope you enjoyed!

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