Stars can Plummet

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Read the first two paragraphs with caution - mention of suicide.

Aizawa's POV

It was early the next morning when we were informed that Rei Todoroki had passed away that night from suicide. I was confused when I first heard the news, because mental hospitals were supposed to stop people from taking their own life, and yet they failed to prevent Rei Todoroki's death. When told of her passing, I was also handed a file that had the final report on the way she had died, and when reading it, I felt sick in my stomach, because the form of suicide that she turned to was not neat or painless at all.

She had hidden a knife in her room from one of her past meals – she had only been given the knife because they didn't believe that she was a threat to herself anymore – and had taken her own life by fatally wounding her throat.

It must have been painful.

The hospital and funeral home had said that the funeral was to be held in about a weeks' time, and that all family and friends of Rei were welcome to join in and attend the ceremony. The bad thing, though, is that Shouto Todoroki was still missing, and was most likely not informed of his mother's passing, which would give me the responsibility of breaking the news to the kid once he was found and returned. It was a pressure that I had never felt before, and sat like a cold rock in the bottom of my stomach. Telling a child that their mother had passed away was one of the hardest things that I've ever had to do in my life, and with being a hero, it happens one time too many. But this time was different; this time I would be telling my own student about the death of his mother, and I know for a fact that it's gonna be twice as hard.

I wasn't looking forward to it.

Among other things, the authorities and hero departments had erupted into absolute chaos. News of Todoroki's disappearance (legally, kidnapping) had spread like an open flame over dry grass, and had caused quite the outrage in many agencies. Some people were calling out the school once again for failing to protect their students and having a weak security system – which wasn't true, UA is probably one of the most secure places in the country by now – but worst of all, people were saying that Todoroki was a spy inside the school and had been giving information to the League of Villains about UA. I called bullshit, but my word was quickly drowned out by the furious and accusing ones that were calling for Todoroki's capture and punishment.

At this point, I'm not sure if he will be able to continue studying the hero course at UA, or even at all.

Yes, I know, it's not fair – to be honest, nothing is really fair anymore – but with all the attention on the school and on Todoroki, it might be best if he were to leave the school and stay low for a while. He would absolutely hate it, of course, and Midoriya would find it frustrating too, but with Todoroki's current situation and his medical problems, it honestly might be the best course of action for the kid.

But right now, none of that really mattered, since Todoroki was currently missing.

It's almost been two days since he was taken from the school infirmary, and while the school was quick to fix the damage done to the room, it was still disturbing to see the amount of blood that they had wiped from the floor. The kid had been injured – my student had been injured, and yet the authorities were overlooking that part of the situation, which was infuriating and not fair, because my kid was injured and missing, yet they only give a damn about who his older brother is.

However, above all of that, the one thing that was most troubling me was the overwhelming feeling of worry. The blood, despite being dry, didn't hide exactly how much blood it was, and let's just say that it was enough to be concerning. If Todoroki hadn't gotten any medical attention yet, no matter how crappy it may be, he was at risk of severe infection, and the wound could become fatal.

Let's just hope that it doesn't come to that.

But hope is a lost cause in this world.

However, while the main situation circled around Todoroki and his older brother, they weren't the only Todoroki's to be involved in the case. In fact, now all the Todoroki family were undergoing questioning at the local police station, which included Endeavour, but he was being interrogated behind bars. There was no way they were going to allow that bastard out anytime soon, and I was glad. He deserved to rot in that cell for the rest of eternity after what he did to his family. Actually, now that I think about it, it was probably possible that I could lengthen Endeavour's prison sentence for him faking the death of his eldest child, and if he had something to do with Rei's sudden suicide, then I'm guessing I could add another 10-20 years to his sentence.

A least something good would come from this whole ordeal.

I've been working non-stop for the past few days – breaking into abandoned buildings, searching the streets, interrogating random people – in hope that I'd get a lead on Todoroki's whereabouts, but the weariness from all that running around with little sleep was catching up on me, and even though I had just downed around three cups of black coffee, I was still struggling to keep my eyes open. And well shit, I really needed a quick lie down, because with the rate my hands were shaking at, I probably won't be able to carry my fourth coffee of the hour without dropping it and causing an unnecessary mess. But there was just so much to do.

While Todoroki is the main cause of concern, so was Midoriya, and Todoroki's adoptive family. They were all anxious after receiving the news of Todoroki's disappearance, some more than others, and while the older Bakugous' were trying to keep a cool face on, as a trained hero, it was easy to tell just how nervous and worried they were. I had tried my best to reassure them that Todoroki was strong and would definitely come out of all of this alive, but I could tell that they couldn't believe me, and well, I didn't really believe myself either. For all we know, Todoroki may have been killed by The League hours ago, and we never realised.

While it was something that was harsh to accept, it was still a possible reality.

And then there was Midoriya and Bakugou. They weren't taking the whole situation so well, as expected. Midoriya was especially distraught and was on the edge of a mental breakdown every time I see him, and while checking up on him frequently, there was only so much I could do while embedding myself in this case. I was sure that Bakugou was looking over him and helping the younger teen out, but there is only so much he can do for his friend, and while I wish he could comfort and help all of Midoriya's problems, it was impossible. Plus Ultra my ass.

And so, Todoroki was missing, Midoriya was breaking down, Bakugou was stressed, and the media were close to knocking down UA's doors. What bullshit.

What utter, complete bullshit.

Now, the story begins :)

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