Chapter 1: From Scavenger to Teacher

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        She was frightened, but she didn't know why. The torture in Snoke's throne room and the Battle of Crait was six months ago. At the time, the First Order, under the leadership of Kylo Ren, brought complete turmoil to the galaxy. Nowhere was safe, not even the new Resistance base, which hid in the lush, tropical jungles of a new planet—Supher. No longer was Rey a scavenger. She was now one of the best scouts in all the Resistance, aside from Poe Dameron. She also was a teacher.

During her scouting trips, she brought back Force-sensitive orphans, aliens, and people from planets that had been destroyed and conquered. When Rey was on Ahch-To with Luke Skywalker, she took the ancient Jedi texts from the hollowed-out tree that Luke claimed was the library of the Jedi Academy. In fact, there was Rey now.

She had just returned from Canto Bight on Cantonica, where Finn and Rose went when they were looking for a code breaker, and picked up a young boy, who she felt was as Force-sensitive as her—Temiri Blagg. He might've been a slave, but Rey hoped to give him a better life on Supher.

A cute little boy, Temiri had short brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. He wore a leather hat on his head, leather pants, an olive-green shirt, and a tan jacket that was a little too big for him. He and Rey floated in outer space, slowly approaching Supher. Temiri annoyed the heck out of Rey. He kept asking questions like: "Where are we going?" "Why did you take me instead of my friends?" "Who are you?"

It got so bad that Chewbacca slapped his furry hands over his ears. That caused the Millennium Falcon to spin out of control until Rey finally saved her.

She peered over her shoulder to the boy. "Will you be quiet? You've been talking nonstop since we left Canto Bight."

"But this is a huge adventure for me! I never thought I would ride in the Millennium Falcon with the famous Chewbacca and a beautiful girl!"

Rey blushed when Temiri said that. She thought it was just a tiny bit weird for a ten-year-old boy to be hitting on a twenty-year-old girl.

Temiri rushed to the back of her seat and gripped the top of it. "Now that I think about it, you never told me your name. You just landed in Canto Bight, told me it's time to go, and pulled me aboard."

"It's Rey," Rey quickly stated. "My name is Rey, and I took you because you are just as Force-sensitive as me."


Rey nodded. "Yes. In fact, I want you to attend my academy."


"A Jedi Academy. I promised Master Luke that I would not fail him."

"Whoa! You knew Jedi Master Luke Skywalker?" Temiri's jaw dropped. "So, all the stories I read are true!"

Chuckling, Rey told the boy, "If you say so. It's time we live our own story and take out the First Order forever."

Just upon hearing the name, Temiri shivered. He sank back down in his chair. "So, I went from slavery to slavery again?"

"I wouldn't say slavery." Rey looked back at him. "It's more like a recruitment of soldiers. Trust me on this, Temiri. I know what I'm doing."

The Falcon dipped into Supher's green and blue atmosphere, and at once, all of Temiri's worries washed away.

Wow! What a beautiful planet! Supher was chock full of white sand beaches, sparkling water, and lush, green jungles.

"This is where I'm living now?" Temiri questioned Rey.

She nodded her head. "Yes. Look straight ahead." She pointed to the edge of one jungle, where a landing pad jutted out from its point. "That there is the Resistance base."

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