Chapter 11: The Moceka Graveyard

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Song: "Deep Space" - Antti Martikainen

        Considering all the terrible things happening to her at the moment, Rey had a relatively pleasant dream. She dreamt she was back on Supher with her friends and exploring the island of No'Ela.

Finn grabbed Rey's hand and pulled her into the lagoon. He splashed her with water.

Poe and Rose sat in lounge chairs and made small sandcastles at their feet, whereas Chewie, R2, and BB-8 playfully chased one another.

Rey felt the planet's warmth on her skin and tasted the salt water on her lips. The dream was perfect. She never wanted it to end, but it had to eventually.

A bright light shone on her face, but it did not belong to Supher's light in the dream. It leaped her back into consciousness.

Shuffling, the young woman opened her eyes. She rested on a bed in a small room in a hut. Its stone walls provided warmth and comfort from Phonolukamy's cold environment. Rey's cape hung from a stone jutting out from the wall next to her. Momentarily, the bright light blinded her. Then again, she was not yet fully awake. She sat up and swung her legs over the bed's side. Aside from a small desk across from her, the only thing in the miniature room was the bed. There wasn't even a window.

Bewildered, Rey studied her surroundings. She tried to figure out where she was. She did not remember blowing up a wrecked Star Destroyer with an insane amount of Dark side energy. Her own power made her drunk. The last thing she remembered was putting on the cape. Her eyes rolled down to her right arm, and she saw that a new cloth bound the Beacerika's wound. She then glanced at her cape and stood from the bed. She approached it and pulled it off the stone. Rey wrapped it around her shoulders. She noticed hieroglyphics on the wall. A huge mass of them surrounded the area where the cape used to be.

Curious, Rey lifted her hand and pressed it up against one set of hieroglyphics. She tried to read them, but she did not recognize the alien language they were in. The hieroglyphics continued up the whole length of the wall. Rey took a step back from it so she could get a better look at them. With her arms out to her sides, she tilted back her head and studied them thoroughly.

Only a few minutes later, she heard a wise, female voice behind her. "Oh, you're finally awake."

Gasping, the girl jumped ten feet in the air and whirled around.

A beautiful, alien woman stood in the room's doorway, carrying a tray of food and water in her hands. Her skin was blue, her eyes cyan, and she had black hair with streaks of green and purple in it. A mark that looked very similar to the hieroglyphics went up the length of her upper left arm. Just at the sight of her, Rey knew she was a native of Phonolukamy. Lukaemians usually had blue skin and eyes.

The woman set the tray of food and water down on the desk across from the bed Rey woke up in. "When I found you," she explained in her mystical voice, "you were unconscious and your skin pale. Poor thing. You've been through a lot, haven't you?"

"Who are you?" Rey tried to find the confidence in her voice, but it was difficult.

She never received an answer because the woman spat the question right back at her. "I think the better question is... Who are you?"

Rey felt great sadness in her heart. She remembered what Kylo Ren told her in Snoke's throne room. "I'm nobody," she replied.

"Nobody? What an unusual name. Well, Nobody, what are you doing here on Phonolukamy?"

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